The Glory and the Magnificence of Your Transformation is GRACE beyond words of description. What you have entered into, is the Sacred Portal of You. Throughout the countless ages, (Earth timeline) through many incarnations, you have readied yourself for this return, to You. And although this has appeared challenging, it was only challenging while in the consciousness of 3D. As there appeared no way out. And there was no way out ~ when immersed in it. That is the nature of 3D consciousness, to keep you in it, Because through THAT consciousness, the change you desired, was through a HIGHER application of Consciousness, that would simply dissolve the Old Paradigm.
This Magnificence is the GRACE PORTAL that was always open, waiting to be ACCESSED through a higher Frequency of You ~ Being It. It could not be accessed through the lower frequencies you see. 3D was a sort of maze, so to speak, that inherent within that consciousness, had no way out of its suffering. 3D consciousness and that frequency simply is that mode of Being. That is a Frequency and level of Consciousness.
The Expansion and Transformation has been through your application of the YOU that has always existed, and as I have mentioned many times, you always had access to, you just had not focused upon it.
The New Earth you Desire, has ALWAYS already existed, waiting for you to Realize it has arrived. Through your Applying 5th Dimensional Consciousness, the Matrix of the world of thought forms, has dispelled the belief that there was no way out. So many more of you are now accessing what Once you believed was impossible.
The Truth is out, so to speak, and ALL are Becoming aware, it is possible for them as well to be a Master of Form, during this their incarnation. So here you Are. Doesn’t this feel amazing! That now you know you can LIFT yourself out, through applying your Acceptance and Love now to all things. Even those things you still reject within yourself. Even those things and feelings you still do not like and Love. You can apply your Love and Be Free from those old habit patterns of thought, that once plagued you as the belief, you were those thought patterns.
The GRACE PORTAL now (and there are many) that is now being offered to YOU, is the entering into Greater involvement within your INNER Self (Being) as I have stated before, the expansion never ends. The Universe supports you in this DEEPENING of YOU TO YOU, through this Grace Portal. And the quickening of your Expansion in Consciousness unleashes within you, the Eternal Power of Love and Naturalness of Being, that is the Complete Freedom, that you have desired to know and experience yourself AS.
So Now enter Ever more Deeply into the Passion of Your SOUL which is felt through the ever-increasing MOMENTUM that you are stepping into as the Conscious awareness of Yourself as Endless, Timeless, and as Being~ All that you Desire.
Enter the Beloved Deeply my Dear Sacred Hearts. I am the PORTAL of GRACE of the BELOVED.
This Portal of Grace is the MAGNIFICENCE and GLORY of ALL THAT IS.
The Light Portal of this Unification, that is Present right NOW, is the Deepening Love of the Eternal, and the Deepening of your conscious stepping into every moment, the Momentum of your Being. This is felt through the Endless Passion of Your Soul. Enter me, My Beloved, we are ONE and United, always. This reunification of CONSCIOUSNESS is the Unification that always was, and always will BE. The Eternal Magnificence and Glory of All That is. And it is Here, that I Hold YOU.
Eternal Love and Bliss!
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