Daily Angel Oracle Card: Amethyst Oversoul, from the Crystal Oversoul Attunements, by Michael Eastwood
Amethyst Oversoul: “Amethyst can remind us to take responsibility for our life force, to focus our energies and become co-creators of reality.
By working consciously with Amethyst, we are understand any Karmic residues that may be remaining in our energy bodies. With this vibration we can be supported in facing our past and release that which does not serve us anymore.
As we shift into a new aeon for humanity, Amethyst serves to help us adjust into the new qualities of any future direction we choose to take.
Amethyst gives us the opportunity to see into our future self, thus helping us to adjust, if necessary, our present attitude.
Co-creating reality: “The Amethyst Oversoul serves to remind us that we are co-creators. The mandala of the Oversoul is immense, an exquisite range of purple and lilac tones that are set in geometric forms. As we enter via its center we are greeted by 12 beings, the consciousness of the Oversoul. They are crystalline beings with purple robes and intense Amethyst eyes. They look deep into our being and usher us to proceed to the temple.
The temple itself is a vast building carved out of a single Amethyst which to our eyes looks like a cathedral. Inside the temple light pours through four windows, spreading a rich deep purple colour in all directions.
In the center of the temple is a table carved from a single Amethyst, and we are encouraged to lie upon it. As we lay down on the stone, 12 beings surround us and start to radiate an intense purple light out of their third eye. Their individual lights join forces and focus upon us. We are bathed in the most exquisite light that washes through our third eye and throughout our entire being. Any confusion we may be carrying about using our inner sight to co-create is released.
Our third eye is attuning to its ancient heritage, awakening to its true purpose as a tool for navigation and co-creating reality. We see that we can see with new eyes.
Chakra: Third Eye
Element: Ether”*
~by Michael Eastwood
As we move through the ascension process, we are assisted by many beings Of The Light, from On High. Angels, Archangels and Guides, Ascended Masters, Elementals, Animal Spirit Guides, and many other benevolent beings of Light. These beings are working with us now at a Soul level, as agreed upon and directed by our Higher Selves. However, we can strengthen this connection and benefit even more from their assistance as we expand our awareness. We can open our hearts and minds to the possibility of communicating with these beings directly, bringing the healing into our daily reality and present consciousness.
There are many ways to open the portal of deep connection and direct communication with the higher realms to receive their Divine wisdom and healing:
*Meditation or silent contemplation
*Mindful connection with nature through working with crystals, stones, trees, plants; the sun, the moon, the stars, and the five elements
*Connecting to our Animal Spirit Guides
*Sacred ceremony, such as creating alters or burning candles with intention to connect
*Setting the intention before we go to sleep to work co-operatively in our dream-state.
The key is to focus our intention, for the highest good of all and the highest healing, of ourselves and our Great Mother Gaia and her depth of Divine creation. Intend to assist and receive assistance in the ascension to the higher states of consciousness. The fifth dimension and beyond.
With Love and full of Light.
And so it is.
~Archangel Oracle
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