This is an excerpt from Sandra’s Ascension eCourse. To purchase the full course or for more information, visit
by Sandra Walter,
This is an excerpt from Module 2: The Body Consciousness. It covers the multidimensional aspects of being a HUman on Gaia at this time, how Source creates a Universe, and the basic stair-step structure of incarnating into form.
Even if you are familiar with Ascension and how to expand your consciousness, it’s a good REminder of a basic element of being here right now. All of the adjustments, tingles and jingles are part of taking the body along for the Ascension journey. It needs your support, care and guidance as the Higher Being you already are.
The Ascension eCourse was completed in January 2013. All 25 hours of videos, meditation mp3s, Q&A call recordings, pdfs and course materials are available for you to explore at your own pace.
Please note: I will not post the entire Course, as I honor those who invest in their journey and my services. If you’re waiting on a sign or a perfect time to begin, I highly recommend taking this Course prior to the Spring Equinox. Pay-as-you-go options are available, just write me.
Don’t you love the freeze-frame thumbnails for youtube uploads? A perfect litmus test for remnants of the ego.
I’ll write about the Solar gateway opening up this week in my next post. 222 is pure light ~ open up those Solar heart centers!
This mission runs on love, light and your support. If my work is assisting your journey, please make a donation: