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HAVE YOU EVER dreamed you could fly? Are you convinced we could power the planet without using fossil fuels? If the answer is yes, then you may have lived before in the enlightened Golden Age of Atlantis and be here to bring the energy back. Many people think that Atlantis – the lost continent beneath the sea – is just a myth but my guide and the angels tell me it existed and many others believe this too. Historians and philosophers have been fascinated by Atlantis for millennia. In 1973, American scuba-divers claimed to have found evidence of a super-civilisation, which sank beneath the sea thousands of years ago in the exact spot described by the Greek philosopher, Plato. Around 360BC he wrote about Atlantis as a paradise on Earth, stretching across the Atlantic. This summer I talked to locals in the Bahamas who described pyramids under the ocean and I swam over the extraordinary Bimini road. The Aztecs, Mayans and Incas told explorers who arrived in their countries about the sunken world of Atlan. Their claims were backed up by Russian scientists in the 1970s, who found evidence of ruins destroyed by lava off the coast of South America. According to ancient Cherokee tradition, their ancestors came from the Pleiades to the five islands of Atlantis, where they settled. After the flood the tribe sailed to the Americas, taking their wisdom with them. Now is the time to tune into the energy of Golden Atlantis. The angels are telling us that opening our minds to it will enhance and empower our spiritual journey. My Angelic Experience Why, Where, and When Was Atlantis Created? Why Was Atlantis So Important? Setting Up the Golden Age An invitation was extended throughout the universes for volunteers to incarnate into a physical body on Earth. 84,000 were chosen, 7000 for each region, all vibrating at the upper levels of the fifth dimension. They arrived from a variety of planets. None had ever experienced a body but they were determined to make the most of a physical life, with its opportunity to see, taste, touch, feel and hear. In the past experiments, the settlers had been provided with all their needs and it had not worked. This time nothing was prepared for them except water, earth, plants and trees, so that in order to survive they would have to co-operate and learn to work together. Anything else was given to them on a need to have or need to know basis only. For fifteen hundred years the Illumined Ones throughout the Universes watched with awe as these arrivals from all over the universes brought heaven to Earth. They maintained divine simplicity, performed incredible technological feats, developed wondrous powers, lived joyously for the moment and created the highest spiritual time there has ever been on this planet. The Great Crystal When the people were deemed ready for new technology, the information was downloaded to individual temple crystals, where it was accessed by the Magi and passed to the people to develop. The highly trained priests had enormous mind focus and power. They could hold a complicated picture in their mind with such clarity and concentration that the object would instantly manifest. And they could even pull in minerals and metals from other planets, make themselves invisible, conquer gravity, control their heart rate, temperature and sugar levels and see into the distant future. Teachings for children and adults were transferred from the Great Crystal to smaller ones in the Temple Schools and then into each individual’s own crystal. By holding them to the third eye they could access a personal education program. Psychic Gifts The way they maintained their high level of psychic attunement and spiritual connection is very simple and available to us all now. They interacted with and loved nature, relaxed and filled their lives with simple fun, creativity, laughter and contemplation. They lived totally in the joyful present and there were no past or future tenses or negative words. Healing The early Atlanteans were excellent herbalists, aromatherapists and hypnotherapists and the healer priests were skilled spiritual and crystal healers, who used crystal laser wands to perform psychic surgery. Temples of sound were circular and created to a specific height and width – the height being half the longest measurement, so that the pitch within was perfect. Here, sound was used for healing, to knit bones, regenerate limbs, detoxify, and to help maintain a high-frequency. People also went there to align their chakras. All the healing methods they used then have been returned to us and we need to develop them. However, we now often need medical intervention as we have more entrenched karma to deal with. The Role of Women in Atlantis The only ornaments in the early days were crystals, and the housewife would ask the elemental within them to light up in the evenings, so that they would glow and provide illumination. Marriage and Children Soon after birth a priest would examine the aura of the child for his latent psychic and spiritual gifts, and these would be developed and honoured by the family and the community. From the earliest age everyone was encouraged to do what they had a natural talent for, so all they grew up with a sense of self-worth and integrity. When they were about three, the children were gathered into groups for education. This took place outside in nature, where they able to express their creativity and learn through song, drama, music, art and play. The aim was to expand their right brain, which keeps the connection to Source open. At the age of seven, the children were taken to the temples to be taught in classes which were peaceful, light and fun-filled, for the teachers realised that the young ones needed their childhood and must not be made to grow up too quickly. The first qualities to be developed within the children were awareness and respect. The youngsters learnt to watch the energies of plants, animals and people, so they knew if something needed help. Being psychically open, they could see the energies and sense the needs and feelings of all around them. They learnt that all is interlinked and you cannot hurt anything without hurting yourself. At school, the children’s gifts were carefully developed. They were taught self-discipline and elementary mind control. If, for example, a child was hungry and wanted a banana from a plant, he could simply focus on the fruit and it would float to him. Music was used in the temples to assist the children to go into a state of relaxation, so that they were easily able to absorb the information telepathically imparted to them by the priests. While they were in trance the children practised visualisation, so that they could develop powers of manifestation. This disciplined training conferred immense power on the youngsters and helped them to be responsible and grow spiritually. Reclaiming Your Gifts from Atlantis
Throughout Discover Atlantis we offer exercises, some performed by the mighty High Priests and Priestesses themselves that will enable you to prepare yourself for the extraordinary spiritual opportunities becoming available. I have also prepared a pack of 44 Atlantis Oracle Cards, like those used by families in Golden Atlantis to gain insights and greater perspectives for spiritual growth. Each individual card is beautifully illustrated, for your guidance and inspiration. © Diana Cooper, 2006 Discover Atlantis by Diana Cooper and Shaaron Hutton is published by Findhorn Press, $16.95. Atlantis Oracle Cards by Diana Cooper, published by Findhorn Press, $16.95. Diana will be featured as a guest speaker this month on
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