Archangel Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel,
Dear Ones,
There are moments in life when you need to acknowledge the power working through you and dedicate your lives to something greater. In times of challenge in life, it is especially important to remember what you are truly devoted to, and what is it that you are dedicated to experiencing. It is then that you can participate in creating a new foundation of well-being that allows you to resonate deeply within your heart with what brings you more fulfillment and grace-filled awareness.
When you focus on the world outside of you, it causes you to match its vibration. You find yourself speeding up on the inner levels, breathing more shallowly and perhaps making comparisons that do not create happiness or peace-filled responses.
For these changing times, it is important to focus on the inner heart of your being, allowing the attention to come back into alignment with that which nourishes you and brings greater connection to the inner Balance that provides the support necessary to face life as it is as well as see the new possibilities that exist for you.
It is a good time to create new foundations in life that offer the qualities deep within your lower chakras that allow you to thrive in a sense of Well-being. These qualities will resonate as Truth, and that which is worthy for you to base your life upon. Best of all, they are flexible qualities of consciousness that allow a shifting empowerment, infusing the Divine attributes of Freedom, Love, Abundance, Peace, and the Harmony. All that you most want to experience in your life.
Your reference points in these shifting frequencies have changed and inner foundations have lost the ability to be permanent. Sometimes the pillars on which you base your life need to adjust to bring more energy into a different area. Through it all, a vertical flow from Heaven to Earth will empower and inspire new creativity to work within you for every area of your life.
There is always a Creative Solution waiting to be beckoned forth to bring new life force into areas that have stagnated or lost their connection to Source. It is an important time to create from an inner level the qualities that you need to experience in life. When you provide the attentive calm and expansive focus to allow more support on a spiritual level, you open the door that allows your needs to be met with Grace and Ease. And so it is.
~Archangel Gabriel
Retrograde Planets and Creating a New Foundation of Support
Since the Eclipse Cycle in March, the intensity of chaotic energy around us seems to be unprecedented. Without the structure a spiritual practice gives to my life, I don’t know how I would be able to function. It gives me the strength to remember what is most important in my life, and bring my focus back into my heart where peace and stillness lives.
A spiritual practice does not have to rely on anything but that which nourishes and brings more harmony into life. It does not have to take a lot of time or energy. In fact, it is important to me that every moment in my life becomes a dedicated spiritual practice that will give more energy to other areas of my life.
For that reason, this Thursday May 5, I am starting a new teleclass series called Awakening the Heart of Devotion. In this program, we will join together in a spiritual practice dedicated to Peace within us and Peace on Earth. We will be using some simple techniques from the ancient science of yoga to create more unity within all the areas of our lives.
Everybody wants to love and to break the chains to all the things that bind us. These devotional practices have worked for thousands of years to transform lives. There is no need to reinvent relevant processes to enhance life when ancient wisdom provides practices that will surprise you in their simplicity and power.
This class is for those who want to feel more nourished by life so they can be a more devoted leader, co-worker, partner, parent, and friend. In the observance of devotion, you will notice more enthusiasm, peace and the ability to sanctify your life so you feel whole.
Without connection to the Divine we can never be truly at peace, because our Soul is the true source of our sustenance ~ Archangel Gabriel.
It is essential for me to have less separation in my daily life and my spiritual life. I know that all life can be in service to the One Presence that is Love and Intelligence. All the practices in this series have been designed to create sustained focus on God no matter what you are doing in life. From this place, you will experience more peace and the spiritual fulfillment that has blessed millions for centuries.
Yoga simply means Union with God. There are many paths of Yoga. We will concentrate on some deceptively simple devotional practices that have been used for centuries to transform lives. Using these techniques, we will create a deeper connection to divinity working through us. You will be surprised at the merits of this practice to bring sanctity into your daily life.
Tools for purifying the heart
In traditional devotional practices, there is a dedication of life to a Higher Power, and a surrender of your work, your health and all your relations to God. Archangel Gabriel has stated, “When you dedicate your life to God, you move into the life-stream of pure consciousness where there are no limitations.” This is the purpose of this class series.
In India, there are specific times set aside in life to create a special daily practice for a dedicated purpose. This is called an Anusthan. We will dedicate time for this practice in our class system. Together we will be participating in simplified processes that are designed to raise your consciousness so you have a more direct experience of Divine Love and Wisdom in your life. Together we will dedicate this practice to Peace within us and Peace on Earth.
When your life is filled with the exalted frequencies of the Divine, there is a sense of walking hand in hand with that which nourishes and sustains your life in every moment. You will anchor into your physical body a new sense of connection to the loving Presence that is always with you, guiding you and caring for you throughout Eternity and bringing more Grace into your daily life.
Everything in the class has been designed to raise vibrations in your home, in your work place, and in the spiritual core of your being. There is no faster way to be in alignment with the Divine and shift your consciousness so you can see life from a higher perspective.
When you are in this Alignment, you know you can trust your guidance and there is a sense of being protected through your Oneness with all Creation. I invite you to come into this class series so you can bring more Peace and Unity into every area of your life.
Join Us for Awakening the Heart of Devotion!
Join me and the Archangels to learn how to manifest more Abundance, Well-being, Love and Joy. During this 3-class series, we’ll explore working with the natural flows of Life that freely nourish us.
We start this Thursday, May 5. Get ready for transmissions from the Archangels and amazing activations, all combined with time-honored practices that will transform your life.