“Time” is a creation of man in the 3rd dimension……and in the higher dimensions there is no time. Everything is happening simultaneously. We are multidimensional beings with an aspect of ourselves having incarnated into our human bodies. Our ongoing ascension process during this Great Shift we are undergoing includes a merging with our Higher Selves or Multidimensional Selves.We are embracing our multidimensional being while on Earth, and will eventually intersect our societies with other higher dimensional beings from our star families and their star nations. We are All One, We are All Creator Beings, and All is Happening Simultaneously.
– Goldenlight
Excerpt from The Past-Present-Future is All Happening at the Same Time: Everything is Happening Simultaneously, from http://thegoldenlightchannel.com/the-past-present-future-is-all-happening-at-the-same-time/
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