Note from Goldenlight:
I have been using flower essences for a couple of years, and have found them very helpful in challenging situations including helping my cat, who was from an animal shelter, to heal; helping me to heal; assisting me with the grieving process after the death of a family member; assisting me in manifesting abundance; and in general just assisting me in raising my vibration and strengthening and uplifting my body, mind and spirit. They are high vibrational essences which help to keep us in a high vibrational state. My cat has healed tremendously and continues to heal and I made it through the grieving process after a family member recently passed away with flying colors. They can also help us with Ascension in many ways. I highly recommend them! Love, Goldenlight
Please tell them you saw it on The Golden Light Channel when you place your order!
About Green Hope Farm Flower Essences
Flower Essences are problem-solving tools for whenever we feel out of balance. They are like road maps, only our minds do not have to read and process the information. Our electrical systems do this work instead and much more effectively than our minds, which usually want to interject a whole lot of other ideas into the fray.
Flower Essences offer wonderful healing information about a vast array of emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual concerns. The information is offered in a way readily accessible to us. Not only does this guidance lead us towards greater health and well being, but Flower Essences also help each of us to remember our true eternal identity as one with God, an irreplaceable part of all that is.
One model for healing is based on the premise that our world is a physical one in which physical substances interact with one another causing physical or chemical change.
Einstein’s theory of relativity demonstrated that the world is also an energetic one.This means a model of healing based on the idea of different energies interacting with other energies is an equally valid model. This energetic model is what the world of Flower Essences is all about.
Flower Essences are energetic tools. They offer us information of an energetic nature. We experience them energetically and use them in our energetic systems, something I also refer to as our electrical systems.
Because Flower Essences offer their immense healing gifts energetically, there are none of the drawbacks of chemical medicine, yet the same healing information as chemicals can be conveyed.
How exactly does this energetic transfer process work and why are Flowers a good source of helpful healing information?
First, let’s talk about why Flowers have anything to offer us. To continue to live and prosper, each Flower in creation must solve the specific problems it confronts in its eco system. For example, a desert Flower from the American southwest must overcome the challenges of extremes of temperature and infrequent and sparse precipitation, whereas a Flower from Green Hope Farm in northern New Hampshire must tackle the challenges of dramatic seasonal temperature fluctuations and fierce winters. The solutions Flowers develop in response to the problems they face become part of the Flower’s architecture and growing habits as well as its energetic vibration. This vibration is the unique electrical pattern each Flower has.
Flowering plants seek to evolve for other reasons besides survival. They seek to be the most sublime expression of their divinity. Their evolution is an expression of their own return journey to God. Flowers are the highest vibrational expression of a plant and reflect the plant’s efforts to be its unique divinity in a sea of divinity.
Making Green Hope Farm Flower Essences; Our Partnership with Nature
When it comes to our Flower Essences, and just about everything else, our partnership with Nature makes all the difference. Click here to find out more.
Red Shiso, Our Unique Stabilizer
Our non-alcohol based stabilizer comes from a plant called Red Shiso. Read why we think this stabilizer and our Flower Essences are a match made in heaven.
Green Hope Farm Flower Essence Collections
Our Flower Essences are organized by collection, but all Essences can be purchased individually. Click on the logo or name of each collection to read short definitions as well as complete descriptions and photos for each Flower Essence within that collection.
Click here for a PDF listing of all short definitions in alphabetical order, regardless of collection.
Additional Essences (Research List)
We have so many Flower Essences, we can’t fit them all into our collections. If you don’t see a Flower Essence you are looking for or want to see what additional Flower Essences we have available, click here for our Additional Flower Essence list. If you would like to order any of these Flower Essences, you will find our Additional Flower Essences order blank in the ordering information section of the website or just tell us what you would like when you call or email to order! This list changes frequently as we make new Flower Essences so check back frequently to see what’s new!
Flower Essences for Vibrational Healing
Flower Essences and the Chakras
In brief, what are the chakras of the human body and which Flower Essences can best support or health and well-being?
Ascension aka Self Realization
In a nutshell, what the heck are we doing here?
What Are Flower Essences and How Do They Work
Click here for information about what these gentle and effective healing tools are and how they work.
I Am Affirmations
Why do we give an I AM affirmation with each Flower Essence definition? How do these support you?
Doctrine of Signature
How does what a Flower looks like reveal its healing purposes and why?
Flower Essences support the etheric, emotional, and mental bodies in addition to the physical body. These are energetic fields or subtle bodies that interpenetrate our physical bodies. If you see colored light around someone you are seeing one of these subtle bodies. Each of these bodies has a particular function and needs particular support to do its job. These bodies all impact our health. Unaddressed issues in any of these bodies will eventually impact our physical health and well-being. It is much easier to resolve an energetic disharmony in one of these bodies before it becomes an issue in the physical body as well. It is also true that attending to the physical body does not resolve issues in these other energetic bodies. This is one of the reasons why Flower Essences are such an important healing gift. They help us resolve issues at their energetic source, so the issues are completely resolved.
In most instances, your etheric body contains the memories or records of all the experiences, good and bad, that you have had during all your incarnations. Because of all the discordant experiences stored in your etheric body, it has many scars and tears in it. This is why you can go through what seems like a relatively insignificant difficulty in your present life and yet experience major repercussions in your physical body. What has occurred is probably the following: the present day experience was similar to other previous experiences stored as memories in your etheric body. These past life experiences left a scar or area of weakness in the etheric body. When the present day situation reactivated these old etheric memories, the scar ripped open and a whole lot more energetic crap got released than seemed to be there in the first place, impacting on your physical health and well being.
The etheric body is meant to contain only memories of your divine reality. For complete healing, the discordant memories must be cleansed from this body. Flower Essences are one tool for this cleansing process. The etheric body is also the vehicle through which light and life force energy enters your physical body. This makes a clear and healthy etheric body important for the health of your physical body. If light and life force energy is not moving well through your etheric body, it is not getting to your physical body. This is another reason to clean your etheric body.
Your emotional body is the storehouse of emotions from all your incarnations. In most instances, this body also needs to be cleansed so that it can vibrate in the high end of the frequency bands, vibrating love in the love-sorrow band, hope in the hope-hopelessness band, generosity in the jealousy-generosity band etc. It is not that you are meant to deny the low frequency vibrations, but that you are meant to experience them and then let them go. What happens for most of us is that we feel badly that we feel these emotions so we repress them by storing them in our emotional body. Eventually our emotional body becomes so burdened with low vibration emotions, it is very hard for us to radiate the high vibration frequency of any emotion.
The cleansing of the emotional body can feel messy. Healing often looks like more of the same. In the case of the emotional body, it may look like releasing more of the same old emotional crud. Try not to stifle the cleaning with a lot of judgment. Let those emotions up and out of you. You do not have to vent the emotions on someone else in order to release them. God is always willing to handle the emotions you do not know what to do with, so give them to God.
The mental body stores the divine plan for you. However we often cannot access this information for ourselves, because we have crammed our mental bodies with illusions, ideas, concepts, and opinions drawn from partial truths gained through the limited perspective of our five senses experiencing the illusion of stage set Earth. All these limiting, erroneous ideas cause so much static in the system that the truth is hard to hear. This body also needs significant cleaning and there are lots of Flower Essences to support this work. Again, you know who will orchestrate this cleansing. All you have to do is ask.
The physical body’s function is to be our divinity in the physical plane, but it is hampered in its efforts to do this by all the baggage it is carrying from the other bodies. The imperfections, distortions, and confusions of the mental, emotional, and etheric bodies exert pressure on the physical body so that it eventually out-pictures these illusions, confusions, and disharmony. This is why healing just the presenting symptoms of the physical body is not a complete cure. It is necessary to address the other three bodies.
Flower Essences work with all four bodies to address the imbalances and confusions within them. They expedite the cleansing process and help to rebalance, better align, and strengthen these bodies so that our divinity can better illuminate them. As you will read below, Flower Essences help to facilitate a full reunion between our daily down to earth self, operating within these four bodies, and our eternal God self.
Life force energy enters our physical body by traveling through our other subtle bodies. In particular, life force energy or prana enters our system via the etheric body and the ethereal fluidium, the part of the etheric body connected to each cell in our physical body. Most degenerative situations in the physical body are a result of breakdowns, blockages, and misalignments between the subtle bodies, especially the etheric body and the physical body. Among the Flower Essences that help with this process of vital alignment and connection are the Alignment Garden combination remedy, and our Ethereal Fluidium Super Glue combination remedy.
Flower Essences are marvelous gifts offering helpful information for your electrical system. They are NOT chemical and therefore will not alter the chemistry of your body. When we suggest an Essence for specific part of the body or a physical issue, we are not saying that the Flower Essence will fix anything. The Flower Essence will offer your electrical system potentially helpful information about this issue or area of your body which you and your wise electrical system will use or not, in alignment with the divine plan for you. Flower Essences are information only. They are beautiful road maps for your healing journey. They will not do anything to you! You and your divinity remain in the driver’s seat!
Flower Essences can provide helpful healing information for most any challenge or difficulty. Flower Essences offer support whenever you feel energetically out of balance. They bring solutions to chronic complaints as well as to situations of sudden trauma or illness. They are wonderful support for the mundane ups and downs of life as well as the deep soul work each of us embarks on during our journey through life.
In my own family, we use Essences for any complaint or concern, big or little. One year, while I was revising this section, my youngest son, then three, wandered into my office to ask for “Esenez”. His small fingers reached for the bottles calling to him and he mixed his Essences in his juice with concentration and confidence. I am certain that you too know what you need and when you need it. I hope that when you finish reading this, you will feel this confidence in yourself.
You can use Essences when you feel in any way emotionally, mentally, or spiritually out of balance such as when you feel depressed, anxious, or self-critical. Flower Essences help bring energetic data to the mental and emotional bodies where we store these old patterns of judgment. With the support of this data, we can choose to release these patterns and replace them with the vibrational wisdom offered by the Flower Essences. Think of the Essences as road maps for whenever we feel in any way lost. They redirect us back towards a more direct route to our source.
You can work with your Flower Essences in a morning and night routine or you can use them sporadically. Some days you may take them frequently and other days not at all. As you will see, these are tools of infinite flexibility and extreme gentleness. My own experience is that your heart will prompt you to take Essences how and when you need them. It is always wise to trust one’s heart, but never more so than when working with these safe and gentle friends.
The Angels in my life often remind me to take my Essences and have a plan for which ones I need. Do not be surprised if the Angels in your life do this for you too! Per Angelic nudges, I have a group of Flower Essences that I work with each day no matter what, and many more that come and go as I move through different experiences in my life journey. The summer of 2008 saw me breaking my arm and wrist into many, many pieces. My recuperation process left me more grateful than ever for all the healing wisdom Flower Essences offer. Thanks to this experience, I sing the praises of Run & Play, Recovery, Healthy Coat, Emergency Care, Outburst, Golden Armor, Ethereal Fluidium Super Glue, Flow Free, Boneset, Omey Island, Devil’s Bit Scabiosa and so many more with even greater gratitude than ever before. All have been pivotal in healing my arm.
If you already work with other healing systems, Flower Essences will not interfere. In fact, they can help you better integrate the benefits of these other healing modalities. This is something we have heard from so many healers who work with our Flower Essences. People integrate a therapy session more fully when they sip Flower Essences during and after the session. Massage and bodywork sessions heal more deeply when Flower Essences are part of the process. Flower Essences make all healing modalities more efficient. This is as true for animals as for people. Flower Essences help animals heal more swiftly and learn more quickly when they find themselves in situations like agility training.
I used to describe Flower Essences as non-toxic. Eventually I realized this was not the right way to describe either Flower Essences’ wisdom or process of offering support. The whole discussion of toxic or non-toxic suggests that Flower Essences contain a chemical component that could be a potential toxin. Flower Essences are not chemical in nature. They are electrical in nature therefore they cannot be toxic.
Their electrical nature means the word overdose is not relevant either. There is nothing physical about a Flower Essence, so you cannot take too much. During all my years of working with Flower Essences, in all kinds of situations, with all kinds of clients, I have never seen anyone overdose from Essences. It is not possible. Flower Essences offer healing energy in the form of vibrational information. Your electrical system either chooses to attune to this information or not. Below you will also find a question and answer section that discusses this idea in more detail. Hopefully this information will help you trust yourself to explore how Flower Essences can help your energy system without worrying there could be negative side effects.
We receive many questions about the safe number of Flower Essences to take at one time. Some of the most widely read information on Flower Essences is very firm about not taking more than a few Flower Essences at a time. These books were written almost eighty years ago. I suggest you read this literature with a big grain of salt. Just as a driver’s manual for a 1930’s Model T Ford would not answer questions about your new Lexus, this information is inspiring, but it cannot be the final word on Flower Essences or your energy system. As with the evolution of the motorcar, your electrical system is not what it would have been in the 1930’s, nor is it the same as it was in the 1980’s or even the 1990’s. You and your electrical system are in the process of rapid vibratory change. Dogma only inhibits your ability to support yourself, in these changing times, as efficiently and completely as possible. Toss out the Model T literature and follow the manual for your present electrical system; YOUR guidance from YOUR heart in this NOW.
We receive many inquiries about the “correct” dosage for our customers and their animal friends. Because Flower Essences are electrical roadmaps and informational remedies, rather than chemical substances, there is no right or wrong amount or frequency when administering Essences. Follow your own intuition when determining how much or how often to take them, or how much or how often to give them to your child or pet. Because they are an all-natural, non-chemical remedy, there is no possible way to take too much or too little.
The deepest sorrow and the greatest joy exist in the same electrical frequency band with joy at one end of the spectrum and sorrow at the other. All vibration is organized in this way. Flower Essences vibrate rapidly at the very highest end of the vibrational band and our illusions vibrate more slowly at the low end of the band. Recognizing its own band of frequency, a Flower Essence introduced into our electrical system, goes to where we are holding that specific frequency. A Flower Essence holding joy goes to the same band of frequency in our energy system even if we are vibrating at the sorrow end of the spectrum. Once at the place in our electrical system of shared resonance, a Flower Essence offers its vibration as an alternative electrical model. It is a tuning fork, calling us back to the high vibration that it holds. Because this high vibration is the deepest truth about any situation and was part of us before our experience in the illusion of separation, our electrical system wants to return to vibrating at this frequency. Given sufficient exposure to this vibrational tuning fork, our electrical system will choose the higher frequency of the electrical band and will begin to hold the same beautiful high vibration offered by the Flower Essence.
There are so many ways to use Flower Essences. While I discuss a couple of different methods, don’t let that stop you from doing something entirely different! As electrical information, Essences can be read by your electrical systems however you introduce them into your electrical system. Your electrical system extends out from your physical body. That is one reason why you can feel somebody come into a room even if you do not see or hear them come in. The person’s electrical system has bumped into yours.
What your expansive electrical field means in terms of Flower Essences is that there are so many excellent ways to give your electrical system the road map of Flower Essences. You can put drops of Essences in a glass of water to sip. You can put them in your bath. You can rub them on your skin. You can put them in food or directly in your mouth. You can spritz the rooms you live in with Essences mixed in water. All of these methods are great ways to work with Essences and there are many ways above and beyond these approaches. Here are some possible reasons to use the Essences in specific ways, depending upon the situation.
When there is an issue with a specific animal or person in a household of many animals and/or many people, it is sometimes hard to figure out the origin of the issue. Sometimes the person or animal with the symptoms is not the source of the issue. We are all connected electrically to each other when we live or work together. This means the person or animal exhibiting the stress may be reflecting that others in the household need support too.
Consider putting drops of Essences in a cup or two of water in a plant mister, or get a 2-ounce bottle and mister top from us. Then spritz the rooms where the animals and/or people live. Spritzing the rooms means everyone gets a chance to learn from the Flower Essences. Each person or animal in the space takes whatever information they can benefit from and leaves the rest. Just like the theory of the hundredth monkey, if everyone gets help on an issue at the same time, its more likely everyone will have a light bulb problem solving moment in their electrical system. This is because if one member of the household gets the solution, then this solution can be communicated from one household member to another electrically.
Spritzing also works well for the person or animal that does not like taking Essences more directly. Spritzing is a very noninvasive but thorough was to offer the road map of Essences to lots of people. It is a great thing to do in any room where lots of emotional work is done or people experience a lot of stress like waiting rooms.
When a child is going through a difficult stretch, the Angels often suggest putting Flower Essences in the bath. This is a very relaxing and efficient way to learn from Essences. In fact, the Angels describe this method as the most effective way to give your system the information of a Flower Essence. Water is a superb conductor of electricity. In this instance, your bath water will do an excellent job holding the electrical vibration of Essences. When you take a bath with Essences in the water, the part of your electrical system that extends out from your bodies is permeated with the vibration of the Essence. In the playful, relaxing space of the bath, your electrical system can calmly and thoroughly assimilate the information of the Essences because a large area of your electrical receptors receives the information.
I usually take my Essences in a glass of water. This lets me be lazy. I can put Essences in the water in the morning and then sip this same mix all day. My electrical system gets the information I need every time I take a sip and I do not have to fiddle with bottles more than once. If my glass of water runs low, I fill it up again before all the Essence water is gone. This way the water still has the vibration of the Essences in it. The Essences work well in water because, as mentioned previously, water is a good conductor of electricity. Also, by hydrating myself with the water, I make my body more able to conduct the electrical information of the Essences to all parts of my energy system.
If you do not like the taste of Flower Essences or just do not want to take them internally, rubbing them on your skin will introduce them into your electrical field. Sometimes people are guided to put them on specific pressure points on their bodies. Often people put them on their palms. Rubbing them on paw pads or ears is just two of a myriad number of ways to give them to animals.
No one method for taking Flower Essences is better than another, nor do I want to give you rules about how to take the Essences, how much to take, when to take them or anything else. One thing the Angels always say to me is, “Dogs, but no dogma.”
This slogan reminds me that your way to heal is unique to you. We see this truth reflected in the wonderfully diverse and inventive ways you are prompted to use Flower Essences. The way you decide to use Flower Essences reflects your unique energy system as well as the unique journey you are on. Your feedback to us about the inventive ways you use Flower Essences also reveals the incredibly flexible nature of these tools.
I hope that everything I say sets you free to explore Flower Essences with a light heart, ever knowing that you cannot work with Flower Essences in an incorrect way.
Back to About Green Hope Farm Flower Essences main page.
Care for Your Flower Essences
Some ideas about how to take the best care of your Flower Essences so they remain vibrant and effective.
Sharing Flower Essences with Family, Friends, Animals, and even Plants
Flower Essences can offer healing support to just about everyone and everything. How can you share Flower Essences with family, friends, animal friends and plants?
Questions and Answers
Our most frequently asked questions about Flower Essences and their use!
Contact Us!
For more information, visit
Green Hope Farm Flower Essences are available by mail order. They are delivered to you with the hope that when they arrive at your house you will feel a wave of LOVE coming to you from all of us at the farm. Us includes those with wings, those with feet, and those with petals!
You can place a telephone order on our farm phone line and answering machine (603) 469-3662. You also can fax us your order at (603) 469-3790. We receive many orders via e-mail too. Our e-mail address is You can also mail us a hard copy order form, available for download on our Ordering Information page.
Mailing Address:
Green Hope Farm, LLC
PO Box 125
Meriden, NH 03770
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