It seemed like a regular day, then the SKY Changed.
Lights were beaming down on me and I looked above and saw a gigantic Light Ship, literally scanning me. Beaming me with light. The grass and earth around me shifted colours. Back and forth and everything stayed different colours for hours.
I communicated with the Beings in the Light Ship, they knew who I was. I could literally simultaneously see the view from where they were transmitting to me with Light.
It is then that I literally saw ~ Earth not as Earth seems. The sky not as we have come to believe the sky is.
The Earth appeared to be encased within a looking-glass. Behind the scenes, before the Sun….they can watch and do.
Their ship FILLED almost the entire sky. They allowed me to see, how they see.
They showed me how Earth was not as it seems.
That the Looking glass…How we being watched was as if, we too are on a light ship.
Now, everything is consciousness and Light. There are no limitations.
This view through which we are experienced and beamed down upon does not need a physical device for its intervention. It is all Light.
Seeing what is there right in front of us that others cannot see, does not make it any less real, than the reality that most agree upon, they see.
That is the LIGHT frequency, that varies, The frequencies of dimensions.
The DNA that transmits and allows conscious connection, with ALL That is, when one is ready.
Too soon…too much of what is, would leave many unable to function on planet earth. Forcing someone to face all their fears and beliefs all at once.
I have had visits from many Light Ships and Beings. I have entered some of those Light Ships.
It is all going on ~ Even in front of those that cannot yet see these things and ships.
At the Higher levels, where each being is transmitting their LIGHT to be here on EARTH to inhabit a form, you see and know.
The physical form is transforming into higher frequencies for the Shifts that are occurring. You are preparing.
YOU exist in the higher dimensions now. It is the vehicle through which you function through, that is transforming.
Transmitting to YOU now ~ Light Frequencies with the Divine Council of Overseers.
Birthing the Universe into existence, as you are birthed into your new conscious level of awareness. Your new dimension of existence and AWARENESS of that.
And So it is… Now. Breathe and feel the Love. Now.
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