Note: This is excellent info on the integration that is now happening with our multidimensional selves and our third dimensional selves. I can confirm that this is indeed in the process of occurring right now as we continue to raise our vibrational frequencies in acceleration on our ascension path. As with all higher dimensional aspects, awareness of this process is assisting us deeply in our higher frequency upgrades. ~ Love, Goldenlight
The First Landing
Observe as the energy pattern of multidimensional love swirls towards the higher worlds into an ever-expanding vortex to create a living portal to your Multidimensional SELF.
First you release anything that is so heavy that it will diminish your flight.
Then, you are unhooking the balloon from the ground and taking off into the skies.
In this manner, you are releasing the third dimension from the lowest frequencies up.
The Arcturians and the Galactic Federation of Light