Excerpt from: http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/06/transcript-heavenly-blessings-st-germaine-on-our-galactic-selves-june-4-2013-part-12/
Saint Germaine: Greetings. I am Saint Germaine. I am Germaine. I am brother. I am friend. I am teacher. I am healer and I am keeper of the I AM presence and of the violet flame. Welcome my beloved friends.
Welcome to this time of significant, magnificent expansion. Now, this expansion is already well underway. And you have exceeded your field by multiples and squarings unimaginable to you. And the energy and the love and the frequency rises as you step forward and as you embrace your truth. And your wonder.
But we come today very specifically my dear friends for you to begin to understand the nature of your galactic star being. And your inter-dimensional self. Yes, some will think all this is a strange pairing but I suggest to you that it is not. For these are very closely connected. In fact you may think of them as twins braided together like strands of yarn or your hair. And let me explain.
When I am speaking of your galactic self, of your star seed self, of your star being self, I do not wish you to think that there is another piece of you – another you – that is actively living elsewhere, either on another planet or on a ship of which there are so many hovering very closely these days above your planet of beautiful Gaia.
But there is an emanation, a part of you, that is of the stars – that has lived elsewhere, that does serve elsewhere, that is part of this journey of integration. And you can rest assured my friends that this aspect of your being, this star being part of who you are, is most certainly inter-dimensional – varying generally between the fifth, sixth, and seventh – sometimes eighth but very rarely – dimensions. That does not mean that they do not move freely between the dimensions. They do, as do you.
What I say to you may feel slightly confusing. But only if you choose it to be so. And I would suggest that denial and confusion in this regard or in any regard for that matter do not serve you.
So, open your hearts more fully and feel the presence of my violet flame and allow this flame to eradicate any hesitancy in having this information. But more importantly, the integration of this understanding which is first and foremost come into your very core so that you are prepared and ready to understand and to embrace what it is we are speaking of this day.
Let me put it in the simplest of terms. You are huge. And we have only just begun and yes, it is through the new you, but it is also through these ways of communication that we have on a regular basis with you through these forums, that we begin to expand your awareness of who you are in your totality.
Not simply in your physicality; but your physicality my friend is very important because what we are doing, what you are doing, because you are the brave souls who continue upon the planet in this process of ascension in form which is rare, unique and has called to the forefront many to simply observe; you are anchoring all we speak of today into your body, into your field; but it is also expanding your understanding of what your field really is. And by the way what it has always been.
There are many who over time have said “Saint Germaine, how did you live for so many hundreds of years?” Well, one of the ways in which I have achieved that my friends is fully being aware of my being, of my consciousness, which is fully inter-dimensional. So I could shift and move between realities and I could go forward in ways that you have not completely figured out as yet. But you will.
Now I know dear Suzanne that you have many questions for me, so begin the conversation so that clarity will come from this.
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