Transformation is Activated by Bridging Heaven and Earth
In this time of rapid change and downloads of the most powerful Light we have experienced in the history of the planet, there are new opportunities for us to enlighten our lives.
For nearly 30 years Archangel Gabriel has passionately extolled the virtues of our creating Alignment with Divine Light. He has said that when we activate this Light alignment through our energy system every day, our subtle bodies light up, which then raises our vibrational frequency.
When we do this, we transform and become both radiant and magnetic according to Archangel Gabriel. That means that we can not only receive the beautiful essence of these qualities of consciousness, we will then be able to radiate their power into the world for the transformation of all.
There has been much conversation recently about our learning to radiate Light into the world. When we use this alignment exercise, we literally become Living Rainbows. Each color of the rainbow has a frequency that is empowering and useful for our lives. Imagine having a simple way to bring all the rainbow colors and their frequencies into your physical body every day!
I use the word Energy frequently because my background and training for the past 40 years has entailed working with subtle energy.Concentrating on the fact that we are all energy awakened me spiritually. It provided a framework for my spiritual beliefs recognizing that God is the energy in which we live, move and have our being.
For thousands of years in India, the yogis have spoken about the energy of our chakra systemand its purpose in our enlightenment. There are seven main chakras which are energy centers in our subtle body, sometimes referred to as Wheels of Light. They also contain attributes of consciousness that reflect the virtues that most of us want to experience more of in our lives, such as Illumined Insight, Compassion and Courage.
Archangel Gabriel used that framework in 1990, when he gave me the Light Field Technology that aligns Heaven and Earth through my chakra energy system. Whenever I would receive an inspired message from him, there would be certain words that were always capitalized. These are words containing a high frequency that can shift the energy in our bodies. When we use these power words, that are literally living words of Divine Light, the essence of each of those words activates its own special frequency in our personal energy system. This is very much in alignment with Quantum Physics also.
In addition when we activate Light in each of our chakras we create a powerful field of Sacred Geometry that becomes our Light Body for ascending consciousness.
Here is the Bridging Heaven and Earth exercise given to me in 1990 from Archangel Gabriel.
- Holding the space for a pure Alignmentthrough your entire body, imagine that you call in the Light from the Highest Source ~ God, Goddess, All That Is.
- Visualizing your Soul Star above your head, invite the Inner Guidance from your soul to empower your personal energy system.
- Imagine the Violet Light of pure Wisdomcoming through your Crown chakra.
- In the Third Eye, bring Lavender Blue Light to this vision center in your forehead, remembering that it awakens Expanded Perspective, Equanimity, and Illumination for your vision of Life.
- Now at your Throat Chakra, imagine lapis blue light and invite Compassion and pure Creative Expression to work through you.
- Place your hand on your Heart, imagine the green Light of Gratitude, Love and connection to your Heart’s Wisdom.
- Bring your attention to your Solar Plexus, invite the warm golden light of the sun to empower more Strength, Confidence, and Protection there in this vulnerable space.
- Just below your navel, imagine precious orange light and remember your requirement for Unity and Creative Solutions in every area of your life.
- Now at the base of the spine, spread beautiful rich ruby red light through your energy field and strengthen a new sense of Wellbeing in your base chakra.
- Let this powerful quality of Wellbeing drop like a stone down beneath your feet to the Earth Star, the bottom of your energy field. Here is your connection to the nourishing feminine qualities of the Earth.
As you stand back notice that you are a living rainbow of Light bridging Heaven and Earththrough your beautiful being. Let that vision empower you knowing it is creating a empowered field of Light where a living vortex of energy creates the sacred geometry you need in order to transmute old patterns and hold exalted frequencies of Light for yourself and for the Earth so all may ascend.
Using these visualizations and the activations of living words of power is one of the ways that we use the sacred technology of Light Fields in order to create positive change and add value to our lives.
Please experience the Bridging Heaven and Earth Alignment for 21 days and see what a change it can bring to your life. It is especially powerful first thing in the morning, but can be useful any time during the day when you want to feel more connected with yourself. It can also be used before you go to sleep to clear your day.
In the past 20 years, I have been told by many people that it was the single most important thingthey ever learned. It was for me too. Enjoy!
Shanta Gabriel
February 21, 2019
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