The Eclipses of October 2014 ~ Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn
The Emergence of the Inner Warrior of Light
Standing in Power and Love and Being a Focus of Radiant Light for the Earth Transition
The Eclipses of October 2014
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn
In the period after the Planetary New Year and the Global Equinox, the energies of Change have continued to be powerful on the Earth. Waves of Light Codes, Solar impulses and Diamond Light have continued to pulsate through the Galaxy, activating deep changes to all life forms and structures. On the Earth, these Light impulses are integrated into the Light Grids and into the Consciousness of those whose Light Bodies are ready to receive them. And once they are received, they serve to initiate very deep changes that continue with the process of breaking down the old third-dimensional patterns and awakening the new multi-dimensional consciousness on Earth.
The incoming energies of the Diamond Children are joining with those of the Crystal Children, providing a powerful impetus to the new Warriors of the Heart and the Warriors of the Light. These young people are entering into the time of their lives when they are remembering who they are and why they are here. They have powerful missions to be the anchor points for the energy of Inner Power, Love, Strength, Honesty and Transparency. They have courage and focus, and they are beginning to make their presence felt on the Earth. You are seeing this in China now, where the majority of people who are going into the streets to protest are in the age group of 17 to 22. These are the Crystal Children, and they are feeling that this is their time to stand up and ask for what they need for their future on the Earth. It is not only in China, in many places on the Earth, it is the young people who are finding their Inner Power and their Inner Warrior of Light and stepping forward.
As this energy intensifies on the Earth, all of those who are resonant with the incoming Light Codes and the Diamond Light, will feel their Inner Warrior of Light being activated and will feel the need to express a powerful Heart Connection with the Earth and with her peoples. This energy will be expressed in different ways; for the young it may be in protest and organization, for others it may be in more quiet and focussed activities of meditation and other group energy activties.
In all cases, what is birthing now, as you move into this month of October with its Lunar and Solar Eclipses, is the emergence of the Inner Warrior of Light, a powerful expression of the Divine Light within, that allows you to shine forth and radiate the Light that you for all to see. You will no longer be afraid to be who you are, but will joyfully be empowered to express the Love and Compassion that lives within you. This you will do in ways that are unique to you, as you express your unique and beautiful essence as a Soul and Spirit in Human Form.
The Emergence of the Diamond Light Warrior Energy will bring more Light and More Radiance to the Earth, allowing you to begin to see the truth of what is happening on the Planet. You will no longer be blinded with confusion and misled by the stories of those who seek to manipulate emotions and create disaster and war. Rather, you will see the efforts and the courage, the beauty and the inspiration, of those who are already in the process of creating and manifesting the New Earth. Even if your Media refuses to share these stories and tries to direct you towards fear and anger, you will be the Warrior of Light and will refuse these old stories as you seek out those of the New Earth Diamond Communities who are already finding new ways to live and new solutions to the problems created by the old energies and perceptions. This is where you will place your energy, and this is where you will feel most comfortable as a Warrior of Light!
The Lunar Eclipse of 8 October 2014 : Galactic and Solar Time Gates and the Earth “Reboot”
On the 8th of October, when the Full Moon is in Aries, there will also be a Total Lunar Eclipse. This will be the second Lunar Eclipse of the year, following the first on the 15th of April 2014. This first Lunar Eclipse was in Libra, and so the two eclipses are connected by being in opposition and in activating the energies of Libra and Aries. These two Lunar Eclipses are Galactic and Solar Timegates, and they allow for shifts in the Time/Space fabric of your Earth Reality.
The first recoding of the Timegate allows for the the emergence of the Diamond Warrior. Aries is the house of the Warrior, and also the Child. This energy encodes a Warrior who carries the Diamond Light and expresses and Higher “innocence” that aligns with the Divine Blueprint for Planet Earth. The Crystal Child is also the Diamond Light Warrior, and the Light blazes forth at this time! As you align with this new frequency, you cannot but help feeling surges of inner power as well as a deep sense that all will be well on the Earth. As the Diamond Light is anchored and the Diamond Warriors are activated, so the New Earth blueprint is activated in your Hearts, in your Light Bodies, and in the Light Grids of the Planet.
The second area where this recoding will be felt strongly is in the area of Relationships. All relationships that are not “in balance” have been under pressure in this last year.And, in the Diamond Light energy, this concept of balance emphasizes the aspects of mutual respect, honesty and integrity in an empowered way.
In the Diamond Light it is the “Divine Sovereign” relationship that holds the highest consciousness and the most intense energy. This is where two partners are drawn together on the Soul level in order to express their inner Light and Radiance through relationship and partnership. Both partners are fully balanced and sovereign within themselves and have created a loving primary relationship with their soul and higher self. This bond of love on the inner levels can then be reflected and manifest on the outer levels.
The two partners are capable of merging their soul energies in ecstatic soul union, but are also capable of being individual and whole within their own right. They may work together, or they may choose to have a working life outside of the relationship. However they choose to express the partnership, it will create a field of Light and Radiance that will bring Joy and Healing to others through the very power of its reflection of the Divine Flame of Love and Compassion.
The 10/10 Recalibration
On the 10th of October, the 10/10, you will have the opportunity to pass through a Planetary Time Gate, where the new Codes will be recalibrated and activated within the Light Body of individuals and the Earth.
This will represent an opportunity for a “new beginning” at a higher level of consciousness. What does this mean? It means that at this point many of the “blocks” and “difficulties” of the past 6 months will fall away, and it will be a time when you will be able to move forwards once again.
On the individual level, you may feel as though what had held you back had now been removed, and you feel free to begin creating in a new way and in a new direction. This will be a higher level of consciousness than was possible before, and it will be easier to create in alignment with your hopes and dreams.
On the Planetary level, those who have been trying to “Time Engineer” the collective consciousness towards war and conflict will find that there plans will not succeed. The higher consciousness that is now available will make it very plain that their motivations and statements are not in the best interests of humanity and the future of humanity.
Once again, you will be able to turn your attention towards creating that Heaven on Earth that is your “home” on this Planet, and you will feel that your creations will be supported in a new way.
At the time of the next two Planetary Time Gates, the 11/11(11th November) and the 12/12 (12th December), these recalibrations will be “fine tuned” as you flow onwards into your New Reality.
The New Moon in Scorpio and Solar Eclipse: 23rd October
The New Moon in Scorpio on the 23rd October and the Solar Eclipse will allow these new energies to be felt on the Earth as changes and shifts in the Economic System. At this time, and in the month of October, there may some deep tensions within the financial community and the banking sectors on Earth. These tensions are arising because there are new energies emerging in the fields of finance and business that will begin displacing the old systems. The new Light Codes that will be anchored at the time of the Solar Eclipse will assist in activating these shifts and changes.
On the personal level, it will be a good time to consider your financial life and whether you may not wish to reorganize and “recalibrate” your work and your finances in a way that reflects your desire to live in harmony with the Earth. You may feel the need to seek out and support others who also have this deep desire to live in harmony with the Earth and to create a Peaceful and Harmonious life on Earth in all aspects of life.
It may also be the time to consider a different approach to life, and how you may better express your passion and your joy while also supporting your life in financial terms. In this new Diamond Light, you will be shown with great clarity where you need to put your energy in order to be in alignment with the emerging NewEarth and the Diamond Light.
Beloved Ones, use the energy of the Scorpion to move through whetever darkness there may be, and to see clearly what must be done so that you can act as a Diamond Light Warrior and radiate your Light in the World. Let nothing hold you back, let fear not hold you back, as you plant the seeds of creation for this next cycle of Light.
Beloved Family of Light, we wish you a joyous adventure in the Light in the month of October!
If you would like to learn more about the Diamond Light Frequencies and the incoming Diamond Codes, we invite you to read Celia Fenn’s new book with Activations by Archangel Michael.
Earth Whispers in a Time of Change ~ Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn
Earth Whispers in a Time of Change
The Diamond Earth Communities begin to form amid the chaos of the old…..
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn
Beloved Family of Light, this is truly a time of great Change and Transformation. As we said to you in February of this year, the changes in your society in this year of 2014 will be immense. And we know that as you see these changes, the chaos and “noise” can, at times, be overwhelming. As the old way of being disintegrates, it is not a peaceful process, and so many of you may not be hearing the gentle whispers of the Earth as she call together those who will form the first Diamond Earth Communities.
Those who are able to hear and listen, will find themselves being drawn towards a dream of another Earth, a Diamond Earth of Clarity, Love and Compassion. A New Earth, where Nature and People are more important than money and power. It is a whisper that will enter your dreams and meditations, inviting you to be part of something new and beautiful. And if you hear that call from the Earth, and if you answer her in your heart, you will be guided to those places and people who will also be a part of the Diamond Earth Community.
Beloved Family of Light, you will feel the answer coming from deep in your soul, and you will say “yes” as you begin the return to the Crystal Garden of Beauty and Love. You may ask, “what is this Crystal Garden”, and we would say it is simply the energy or the frequency of Higher Consciousness where the Diamond Light shines through all living beings and creates an expression of Divine Joy on Earth. It is this that you remember from the beginning, from Mu and Lemuria, when the Divine Light was bright on the Earth. And so it will be again, as the Diamond Light is anchored in the hearts and souls of those who work for a Higher Form of Community on Earth.
So, Beloved Ones, we ask that in this time of chaos and noise as the old falls away, do not be distracted or discouraged, but simply listen with your heart and allow yourself to hear the whispers of the Earth as she calls to those who will work with her to create the Crystal Gardens of Love and Peace on the Eart.
Open to the Diamond Light and Higher Frequency
The Diamond Light is one of the Highest Frequencies available on the Earth today, together with the Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness and the Platinum Ray. The Diamond Light carries the Galactic Feequencies and the Light Codes that the Earth needs to align with the Divine Purpose as expressed through Divine Creative Intelligence. In fact, we may say that the Diamond Light is the Divine Creative Intelligence in action, and that is why it is so beneficial for you to align yourselves with this incoming higher frequency light. It assists you in the creation and manifestation process, and so will help as you work to bein the creation of a new society according to the blueprint in the Diamond Light.
The Diamond Light is received by your through the Higher Chakras (the Galactic, Solar and Soul Star chakras) and the transmitted into the Crown Chakra. From there it is radiated into the Light Body and into the Pineal Gland. It has an intense effect on the Pineal Gland, and this stimulates the nervous system and the cellular system right down to the DNA. This enables your entire being to align with the incoming Diamond Energy.
It is then transmitted to the Heart Chakra, and then you are able to transmit this Light to others via the High Heart and Throat Chakra vortexes that have recently been recativated and restructured. It is also directed downwards through the Base Chakra and into the Earth Star Chakra and then into the center of the Earth to connect you with the Earth Blueprint Holgram held in the Diamond Crystal at the center of the Earth.
This powerful energy can have effects on your physical being, and many of you have been aware of this energy flowing through your body in an intense form in the last few weeks. Beloved Ones, know that these transmissions of Diamond Light are assisting in raising your personal frequency and consciousness so that you can also assist in raising the frequency and consciousness of the Earth Collective and so begin creating the Diamond Earth Communities.
As you accept and integrate the Diamond Light, know that you are being assisted in this work by an incoming wave of beautiful and bright Diamond Souls, whom we will call the “Diamond Children”.
The Diamond Children and the Diamond Earth Communities
The Diamond Children are those that come after the Crystal Children. They are Masters of Time and Space, and they come to Earth with a new perspective of life and creation. They are born with the Diamond Light and the Diamond Codes for creation fully activated in their Light Bodies.
They began coming to the Planet in early 2013, but there is a “wave” of them incarnating right now. Just as the Indigo and Crystal Children came in waves to express their particular energy and contribute to the process of transformation, so the Diamond Children are also now coming in a “first wave” to assist in the anchoring of the Diamond Earth Communities.
The Diamond children, as we have said Beloved Ones, are Masters of Time and Space. They know that Time and Space are illusions or creations, and they are not afraid to take their power and create the kind of Earth that they wish to see. They are like prisms, and they know how to focus the Diamond Light into pure creations of Light, and they are assisting us in this process.
Know too, Beloved Ones, that just as the Indigo and Crystal children assisted you to raise your frequencies in the 1970s and beyond, so the Diamond Light Children are assisting everyone to raise their frequency so that they too may become Masters of Time and Space and creators of a New Reality.
So, many of you who are birthing children at this time will be feeling the power of this incoming energy as this new generation of powerful beings “lands” on Earth and begins to activate its energies. You can expect major changes of perspective and understanding on the Earth soon. The power of this energy will provide the extra “push” for major changes on all levels of society. Those whe hear the whispers of the Earth calling to work for the Diamond Earth, will also feel the powerful “lift” of the Diamond Light children as they begin to make their presence felt on the Earth.
As you work with these children and as they grow, you will find them entirely clear and pure. They will not tolerate manipualtion and lies, and they will see them for what they are. They will be direct and open and honest, and will expect others to be the same way. If others lie or manipulate, they will immediately be aware of this and will block these efforts simply by refusing to participate in anything that is not clear and of high frequency. And this is how you will become as well. You will feel in your heart and soul what is truth and what is not and you will refuse to be part of anything that does not help you to live your truth in a clear and open way.
The Diamond Earth Community
As the energy rises on the planet and as things become more and more chaotic, it is important that you focus into your Diamond Heart and connect with the Divine Flame that lives within. This will give you strength, courage and patience. You will know that All is in Divine Order and that there is a point where everyone will begin to see the emergence of a New Earth and a New Society.
We call this the “Diamond Earth Community”. As the Earth moves into the frequency of the Diamond Light, so the planet will begin to manifest a community of people who will express that Light in their lives. They will live their truth and walk in that truth, they will radiate Diamond Light from their hearts, and they will seek to live in harmony with the future that the Earth is manifesting. This will include living in harmony with the Earth and with each other, respecting nature, and seeking ways to be at Peace with all living beings as an extension of the Peace within their Hearts and Souls.
They will seek to live beyond the “economic grid” that determines life through money and power, but will find ways to harmonize their lives with the ancient paths of wisdom taught by the Earth Elders and Shamans, and will seek ways to make this meaningful and relevant to their lives on the Eart today. In this way, they will be acting as anchor points for Galactic Light and expressing that Light as Galactic Diamond Humans in physical form.
They will begin to form communities through resonance and attraction. The intensity of the Diamond Light will bring People of Passion and Commitment to a new path on Earth, and this passion will attract others of like Passion and Commitment. Slowly, you will begin to find and attract your Diamond Earth Family, those who are also working to manifest The Crystal Garden in their personal lives and on the Earth.
The Frequency Shifts in September
The first major shift will be felt on the 9/9, on the 9th of September. This is a key moment when those on the Earth can take a step forward to another level of Wisdom and Light. It will a point where you can integrate all the waves of Light Codes that have washed over the Planet in the months since the Planetary New Year in July. It may also be a “breaking point” for many, where relationships and partnerships that no longer reflect where you are in life may have to be released. On a Global scale, this will also be true, and you may expect severe Global tension in the week of the 9/9. We urge you, Beloved Ones, to remain in your core power and aligned in your Diamond Heart, and seek to anchor only Peace and Harmony within your Heart and on the Earth.
The September Equinox will fall on the 22nd/23rd of September. This will be the Spring Equinox in the South and the Fall Equinox in the North. The period between the 9/9 and the Equinox may also be difficult and chaotic, but it is necessary to hold that balance within your Diamond Heart. The Equinox will finally be a good moment to connect with the energy of Balance and Harmony, both within and in a Global sense. The New Moon in Libra falls on the 24th of September, so that will be a good time to plant the seeds of harmony and balance for the next cycle as you move towards the Eclipses of October which will anchor new energies that will culminate in the 11/11 in November and the Solstice in December.
We wish you adventures of Diamond Light in the month that lies ahead!
If you would like to know more about the Diamond Light, the Diamond Codes and the Diamond Earth Community, we invite you to read “The Diamond Codes : Light Information for a New Reality”, or to attend our September webinar series “The Diamond Earth Communities : The Return to the Crystal Garden”. The information is given below.
For More Information on the “Diamond Earth” Webinar Series, Please Click Here.
Archangel Michael via Ronna Herman ~ ENHANCING YOUR POWER TO MANIFEST
Transmitted Through Ronna, LM-08-2014
Beloved masters, as you traverse the return path into the higher-dimensional realms of existence known as the River of Light/Life, or sometimes, the Rainbow Bridge of Cosmic Consciousness, the vibrational patterns within and around you are in a constant state of change. This has resulted in an ever-increasing expansion of consciousness, whereby the filters through which you view your world of reality, as well as the belief-structures you have built around you, are gradually being replaced with higher, more empowering truths. The world you have created and those you interact with will always reflect back to you the beliefs and expectations you have accepted as your truth.
In a painful or debilitating situation, there are always distorted or imbalanced beliefs and attachments which keep you imprisoned in a false, illusional reality. The beliefs which control many of your actions and reactions on a daily basis are slowly dissolving, and are being replaced with self-empowering concepts you are gradually accepting as your new version (vision) of reality. You are in the process of expanding your awareness of Self, and you are developing a more focused, in-depth awareness of those with whom you interact, and also of the realms beyond your present ability to see. You have often heard the saying that “all is an illusion.” This does not mean that everything that has been created in the physical realm of existence is not solid, does not have structure, or is not real. Nor does it mean that the higher realms are illusional with no tangible structure or definition. Every level of existence throughout this Universe seems as real to those who reside there as your earthly home does to you. The Creator and Its all-encompassing influence are most assuredly real, just as we are.
The illusion is your perception of the world, a reality you view through filters of your own making: beliefs, structures, taboos and limitations you have encoded within your subconscious mind and have accepted as your truth. Everyone views the world and daily events through a veil of their own beliefs and a modified level of awareness. That is why many see everything through a filter of negativity, while en-Lighten-ed Souls experience life through a filter of love and non-judgment.
During these times of accelerated transformation, you are experiencing great changes both within and without. The membranes between the subconscious, conscious and superconscious minds are becoming thinner, thereby allowing you access to the subjective, self-limiting information you need to release and the distorted concepts you need to heal in order to return to balance within as you strive to reclaim Self-mastery. The right and left hemispheres of your brain, as well as the matrix of your subconscious, conscious and superconscious are in the process of merging and returning to a unified state of super- or macro-consciousness. In many ways, the saying “as it was in the beginning, so it will be once more” applies to the transformational process humanity is now experiencing.
Every observation via the physical senses that makes an impression on you, as well as every action, interaction and reaction, is automatically transmitted and recorded within the memory cells of the subconscious mind. Again, we stress, your subconscious mind is subjective and takes every thought or experience literally, and is thereafter affected by your individual bias. The subconscious mind will continue to respond to and replay old thought patterns and conditions over and over again until the misconceptions are resolved and reprogrammed.
Your third- and fourth-dimensional world is random and chaotic while the time/space continuum of the higher-fourth dimension and beyond is more flexible and fluid. As you integrate the vibrational patterns of the higher dimensions, all that is not compatible will rise to the surface for resolution, which results in higher wisdom. For those who have developed their inner sight, they know that thoughts are tangible things. They are aware that the quality or frequency patterns of a thought determine its color, while the nature of an emotion determines the form it will take. The more focused and detailed a thought is, the clearer the outline will be. Thoughts of a low frequency level are dark, muddy and distorted while the higher octaves of thought, those infused with love, are more delicate and luminous. You must accept the fact that your thoughts do have substance and that they do have an effect on you and the world around you.
You must be willing to examine the preconceived ideas about the complex traditions /structures/boundaries of your life, and you must release or transform the beliefs which are keeping you stuck in self-inflicted structural limitations. Releasing attachments, outmoded habits and concepts is an ongoing process and requires constant vigilance and upgrading. We are aware that you have built comfort zones around you which are difficult to move beyond, even if they are uncomfortable and constrictive. But that is exactly what you must do, beloveds, if you are to expand and become the masters of cocreation you were meant to be.
Letting go is liberating and gives you the power to expand your consciousness and your world. The higher your vibrational patterns become, the more fluid the restrictions around you become. Do not become attached to the structures of life you have built around you. You must realize that change is an integral part of growth. You make decisions and choices every day, and as a master-becoming, it is imperative that you always strive for the highest choices. The boundaries of your spectrum of duality will become narrower, and the pendulum of choice will swing in a much smaller range to the right and left of center. As a result, your perception and conscious awareness will expand and be raised exponentially. “A master always follows the narrow upward path” is an ancient truth that still applies. You must always seek your highest truth and then live it to the best of your ability.
It is important that you are aware that there is an orderly sequence to the Cosmic Cycles of Creation which define and emphasize a great variety of GODLY EXPRESSION. Therefore, it is important that you learn to flow and adapt to the changes of the time, to discard the restrictive, limiting beliefs of your third- and fourth-dimensional reality as you gain wisdom, seek higher truths and grow closer to your original “State of Divinity.”
We are in the midst of one of the greatest cycles of transformation that this Universe has ever experienced; however, it is important that you understand that there have been many minor cycles of change on Earth, and each of you has experienced these transformational times in one way or another.
The coming Seventh Root Race will be highly-evolved and spiritually-attuned and will be influenced by the SEVENTH RAY of transformation, purification, freedom and redemption. Everyone and everything on Earth will be affected by the radiance of the Seventh Ray, the Violet Transmuting Flame. Many of the old, outmoded teachings are being discarded as you evolve in wisdom and raise your frequency patterns. The love-based and empowering religious beliefs will be retained, while the fear-based, controlling concepts are slowly being discarded. During the transition into the age of enlightenment, the religions that will survive are those which are willing to expand their philosophy to incorporate the revealed, higher Creator truths.
New cycles of “Being” are initiated through a willingness to change and can gradually be incorporated with ease and grace. However, for those who are resistant, it will be through chaos and conflict. Much depends on your capacity to attract, respond and absorb (or reject), and then transmit the more refined energies known as “higher truth.” Your Soul and Higher Self remember the reason you chose to experience and express painful situations–not as a punishment, but for resolution.
It is vitally important that you strive to strengthen your self-determination and your desire for fulfillment. You must evolve from an ego self-serving mode to a Soul-serving state. Your Soul is the part of you which is connected to the “Universal Whole.” You gain compassion the hard way through pain and suffering (ego-driven), or the easy way through the process of reunion with your Higher Self and God Ray (Soul-inspired).
Nothing can escape the radiation and magnetic influence of the rarified Creator Light/Adamantine Particles now permeating this Universe, Sub-universe, galaxy, solar system, the Earth and humanity. The chakras are like electromagnetic batteries within the body. The vibrations of electromagnetic frequencies communicate to many levels of consciousness. You must be harmonious with and attuned to the vibrational frequencies in order to integrate them. The higher frequencies of Light/ thought/sound vibrate through your blood, cells, organs, bones, muscles and tissues, enriching your sense of well-being. The lower frequencies of the third- / fourth-dimensional environment restrict the flow of life-giving energy, and increase the density in your four lower-body systems. Your blood carries genetic encodings of your earthly lineage, but more important, your cosmic lineage and your Divine heritage.
My beloved bearers of Light, we ask you to view each test and challenge as an opportunity to release outmoded thoughts and vibrational patterns which no longer serve your greater good. We implore you to view your life experiences through the filters of your Sacred Heart/Mind as you draw forth the Diamond Ray Particles of Life/Light and infuse them with your love before radiating them out into the world and to humanity. We are all in this cosmic dance of evolution, and together, we shall prevail.
I AM Archangel Michael.
Meditating regularly on the Sacred Heart, and consciously activating the incoming Adamantine Particles of Creator Light that you integrate, will result in a major transformation in your life as you become a cocreative Self-Master of the highest order.
In a relaxed state, begin the Breath of Infinity–(a figure 8). With each breath, imagine your consciousness expanding to incorporate all of the solar system………. then the galaxy…………… and then this Sub-universe. Envision, however you perceive, the magnificence of the planets, star systems, galaxies, and also feel within your Sacred Heart the power and majesty of the vastness of space…….the “Great Void” filled with the unmanifested potential of Love/Light (the Adamantine Particles of Creation, powered by Love).
Now envision yourself as the center, the focal point within this Sub-universe, as the “Flow of Divine Light” radiates forth from all directions toward you. See the prisms of Light refracting into Rainbow Colors, which contain all the virtues, qualities, attributes and potential of Creation. Breathe deeply as you ingest this gift of Love/Life, as you begin to feel the flow to you and from you…….the never-ending supply of Divine Light Substance. Breathe in………..breathe out………… breathe in………..breathe out…………..as you see this magic elixir flow forth from your Sacred Heart center in an Infinity Sign, from both the front and back portals of your heart. Be aware that, with you as the receptacle and the conduit on the material plane, the Creator particles of pure Light substance will pour forth into you and from you in a never-ending supply. These particles will stream outward into the material world to be molded into an unlimited variety of physical manifestations via your visions, seed thoughts and pure intentions / will / actions!
Lastly, but of vast importance, always maintain an attitude of gratitude for all things, large and small. A constant state of thanksgiving generated from within the Sacred Heart will magnify and enhance your ability to cocreate in alignment with the Divine Plan for the greatest good of all.
How will you use this gift which is a treasure beyond imagining? What are your greatest desires? What will be your legacy to the world and humanity? Reach for the stars, beloved friends, for there is no limit to what you can manifest and share when your desires are in harmony with Spirit. Forever love and angel blessings, Ronna
Visualization for the New Earth ~ Archangel Michael, St Germain, Council of Angels, and the Pleiadian Council via Goldenlight
A message from 2012 which may be very helpful to all today ~ in love and light, Goldenlight, 7-18-16
Message transcribed by Goldenlight, www.thegoldenlightchannel.com. © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit, and a link to the source message when re-posting this message.
Greetings we are Archangel Michael, St Germain, Council of Angels, and the Pleiadian Council.
We wish to speak to you today of a Visualization for the New Earth. This is of great importance and consequence at this time. We, of the higher dimensions, have been working steadily for some “time” now (or Now Time) to assist your planet and beings on your planet in entering this new Golden Age of Love and Light and in Entering the higher dimensions and transitioning to the higher dimensions as well as assisting your mother earth Gaia who is a living sentient being yes she originates from the 5th dimension – and in transitioning to the New Earth. We have been working on this divinely blessed project for many Now moments as time does not exist in our dimension but we have been blessing and co creating this new shift of everything related to your planet with a large amount of divinely blessed energy and Love. This love and divine energy surrounds you all Now and surrounds your planet in a vector of higher love and light at this time, and for all times from now henceforth indeed we are entering a time where the veil between us – us in the higher dimension and humans that “were” in the 3rd dimension, for you are quickly shifting out of it – this veil between us is lifting and becoming thinner and transparent as your old 3d reality is merging with the higher dimensions of the 4th and into the 5th dimensional realities this is a huge wave of energy which is indeed sweeping the entire universe at this time, and your little but very important corner of this universe is benefiting from this universal “upshifting” of All that exists, in the universes, in the multiverse. This is all part of a divine plan that has been in place since the beginning of the beginning and is now coming into being in your reality.
We wish for all at this time to spend as much time within yourselves connecting to your higher self, and to feel the energies of the higher dimensions now encircling your planet and being grounded into your planet in the crystalline grid. Archangel Metatron is the overseer of this grid and much information has been brought forth on this subject that you can read…. We wish for you to then feel these higher dimensional energies as your body, mind, soul, etheric body, lightbody, and higher self all connect into these divine-ly uplifting and en-light-en-ing energies which are uplifting all who tune into them. This is the harmonizing process that we have discussed before through this channel, the harmonizing of your selves with the higher frequency vibrations which is of utmost and crucial importance at this time.
This aligning of the self, then, prepares your be-ings for then assisting in this holographic projectiong of this New Earth which is being born into your realities and which is already born and thriving for all exists simultaneously in the Now, you see this New Earth already exists and is thriving and it is up to all of you individually to tune into it in assisting this co-creation into be-ing, this grand creation of love and light which all are celebrating the birthing and creation of. This process then of bringing this into being into your real-ities, begins with each being, each human who is a co-creator, and begins with each being tuning into their higher self, the higher dimensional frequencies, and bringing this energy then through their creationary forms (mind, body, soul, etc), and projecting this creationary energy then into this new form of the New Earth.
This New Earth exists and is being birthed at the same time. It is the bringing forth of your awareness of it that brings it into your reality. Dear Gaia, your Mother Earth, who is a living breathing feeling sentient being, will be honored, cherished, and loved deeply in this New Earth; she will be honored and cherished for the loving being she is, supporting all life without and within, without expecting anything in return; her unconditional and great love for you is an aspiration to which All are inspired by. Know that there are higher beings living within her in the Inner Earth, beings of a higher dimensional frequency (known as the Agarthians), who you should all become aware of at this time. These beings are assisting in the bringing forth of this New Earth and in all beings entering into this New Golden Age of Love and Light. These beings are skilled in honoring and cherishing their dear Gaia within which they live; they live in perfect harmony, peace, cooperation, and unity within her loving embrace. These beings are beginning to come into your awareness and they send forth many emanations of love, cooperation, and harmony for you all.
Imagine a place where all beings live in Peace and Harmony, Abundance, Perfect Health, Longevity, Love, Light, embracing the higher ideals and capacities of all the higher dimensions, where all function as One, all cooperate as One, all love as One, and all feel as ONE. Harmony, unity, cooperation, respect for all life, equality, and all the higher qualities are the keynotes that exist in the higher dimensions and in the flourishing of this great civilization, which will soon be your new Home. Councils of Light assist in “overseeing” the planning and smooth operation of the workings of All. Can you see this in your minds eye? We are showing a mental picture to the channel at this moment and it is a glorious scene.
♥ Please take a moment to join us, and tune in. ♥
Teletransportation is used for movement, telepathy is used for communication, All are aware of All, including all beings, all connection to the Source, all connection to your mother earth Gaia, who sustains you and is now anchoring in the light of the higher dimensions into her body, and all connection to Others in the Universe and Multiverse; indeed there is Interplanetary Communication, Earth is brought into the fold so to speak of all the Councils connecting the universes and omni-verses. All beings manifest abundance, peace, harmony, enlightenment, higher learning, there is so much to describe here and to see that we would fill tomes of information with it, we are simply giving you a tiny glimpse into this world which you are all “tuning” into and “bringing forth” into your awareness.
It’s all about awareness, focus, and intention. Do not focus on the old world, the old Paradigms of negativity, lack, etc, simply focus on connecting with your higher self, the higher dimensional frequencies, and the higher dimensional reality of this New Earth Planet that you are stepping into you are switching worlds so to speak entering into higher dimensions passing through the ever thinning veil between worlds the old earth will fall away it will fade away and the new earth is where your new lives will be and all are birthing and co-creating this new reality which already exists as all exists in the Now. Again we sent a mental moving image to the channel of yourselves stepping from your old world through the thin translucent veil info the new world existing in the higher dimensions in the greatness of the Now.
We understand that this may be information that you have already read elsewhere. Now we are simply bringing your awareness to the importance of your connections, your focus, and your awareness at this time. The connection with your higher selves and higher dimensions, and thenceforth the connection to this New Earth which is already in place, that you as a species are bringing yourself into, is of the utmost importance now for you as a species at this time. We tell you that although this new place is already created and exists in the Now of all Nows, it is your intentional focus upon it that will help you to “step” into it and to bring it into being for you individually and as a species, the earth human species living on your planet. With this intentional focus and awareness, all of you individually and collectively will participate in the co creation of this into your reality; this mass consciousness of you All will begin to function as one, and within the Unity Consciousness that you are creating and existing in within this New Earth.
Practice your meditations, your connections, your intention, and your awareness. Be loving with all, tolerant with all, take what resonates with you and leave the rest, and be peaceful within your own being. We greet you and welcome you with open arms into this Loving, Harmonious, Peaceful place of the New Eden upon the New Earth of which you dear are a part of. You are important, you are loved, and you are part of the All That Is. We love you all unconditionally.
We leave you with visions of our Loving Embrace and know that we are Ever Near to be of assistance, simply Call on Us and We Are There.
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Message transcribed by Goldenlight, www.thegoldenlightchannel.com. © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit, and a link to the source message when re-posting this message.
original message: http://thegoldenlightchannel.com/message-from-archangel-michael-st-germaine-council-of-angels-and-the-pleadian-council-of-light-visualization-for-the-new-earth/
About Goldenligt
GoldenLight is a telepathic higher dimensional message receiver and transmitter, for the Pleiadian and Angelic realms. Her mission is to bring in the clearest possible higher frequency communications and information from the higher dimensions, during this dawning of the Golden Age upon New Earth, and to create spiritually-inspired art to assist and uplift humanity.
In 2012 Goldenlight began receiving telepathic messages from the Angelic Realm via her Council of Angels, as well as from the Pleiadian Realm via the Pleiadian Council. This started occurring after a series of spiritual enlightenments and a reconnection to the Angelic and Pleiadian realm, during which time Goldenlight discovered her true soul purpose or soul mission to assist Earth during this time of great transition. She discovered that she is a “star channel” – one whose essence and mission on earth is to to be a receiver and transmitter of communications from higher dimensions and other galaxies. Goldenlight made an agreement before coming to Earth in this lifetime to assist humanity with ascension into the higher frequencies by bringing in messages of light from the Angelic, Pleiadian, and higher dimensional realms.
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