© The Golden Light Channel, thegoldenlightchannel.com. Please include this copyright and credit, original title, and a link to the source message when reposting this message.
Original message 2019, reposted 2024
Greetings, we are The Council of Angels, including Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Chamuel, Archangel Gabriel, and Archangel Zadkiel. Earth is poised to fly off the cliff, so to speak, away from destruction and towards the creation of great heights of evolutionary and transformational change. The high frequency energy embracing your realm now is creating a cascade of transformation from dark to light energy.
This high frequency energy is enhancing your leaps in consciousness, and in harnessing the power of creation rather than destruction… these two forces of creation and destruction are the two overarching energies of All That Is in all dimensional realms. Everything that exists, and All That Is, is an emanation of Source Creator, including the Earth and all the beings upon it. You are now poised to complete a great transformation that will tip the scales from dark to light…all of the dark must vanish now, as darkness cannot exist within this high frequency energy and higher dimensional light; this high frequency energy is raising the consciousness of every living being on Earth.
We of The Council of Angels are completely outside of time, which is a man-made creation of the third dimension…as you and all the beings on Earth continue to ascend towards the higher dimensions, time will take on less importance and meaning, as moving towards the higher dimensions is also moving away from this artificial construct of “time”. Many of you will soon begin to realize that everything is a Now Moment; in fact there is actually no past or future …all that actually really exists is this Now Moment in “time”. All is happening simultaneously, and there are alternate realities and timelines that you can merge with depending on your level of consciousness.
As you can begin to understand these concepts, it will propel you out of the lower dimensional energies of fear, worry, anger, hatred, destruction, etc., towards the higher dimensional energies of creation, love, joy, and harmony… peace, prosperity, unity, and well-being. The Earth is now moving towards encompassing these higher dimensional concepts, and all of the darkness is now coming towards the light, to be released and transmuted.
We are all eagerly watching, observing, and sending our divine love and light towards all of you on Earth. You are in the throes of such monumental changes that this time in your “history” will always be a cherished one.
The lower dimensional energies of service to self, fear, greed, hatred and war, are now all being transmuted by this high frequency energy.
In fact your entire planet is now bathed in higher dimensional divine light… we are sending you a telepathic image now of Earth totally encased and bathed in divine light… all must now begin to resonate in harmony with this beautiful higher dimensional energy and divine light. The transformation of everything on Earth will benevolently affect the rest of the known world, and all of the other higher dimensional societies in all other realms… we wait and watch in earnest as Earth tips the scales towards light. We are All One Being, we are all a part of the Whole…This is a group endeavor on the Earth.
The higher dimensional qualities of unity, peace, prosperity, well-being and abundance for all will soon be the guiding energies on Earth. So many are working behind the scenes now, so many who are turned towards the light who are emanating this divine light to turn around the fate of Earth. We of the Council of Angels are watching in joy as this occurs.
Everyone who is living on Earth now is a part and a piece of this puzzle of light… all who read this message are part of this process. You are all working now in tandem to increase the light quotient of your planet exponentially, so that it reaches into 80%, 90%, and eventually 100% light and high frequency thought forms. All That Is, including your known realm and beyond, in all dimensional frequencies, are simply an out-breath of Source Creator, a dream of the dreamer… and you are all a part of this dream, a part of this creation, a part of this hologram.
Darkness simply exists as an opposite to light, and darkness in Source Creator’s out-breath is a temporary creation to create contrast and show what the light is compared to the dark. Without one, you would not know the other. So the dark upon your Earth was to show you what things are like when there is more dark than light… and you are all now transforming your realm into one of 100% light, so that you can totally embrace and experience the light now.
As Earth completes this transformation, you can fully participate in this metamorphosis from dark to light by placing your focus upon envisioning your realm as a harmonious cohesive whole, wherein each person’s intention, including your own, is to be a benovolent, loving, caring, and empathic part of the whole, guiding and transforming your realm One Soul at a Time. Each act of kindness, each hand lent in support of others, each caring thought contributed to the whole, assists this benevolent change. Your thought focus matters, and is a part of this transition. Your meditations and visions of a harmonious whole working for the betterment of all upon and within it, as well as radiating these intentions out into the realms beyond, assist tremendously with this process…so much more than you know.
Each of you are mini creators, each of you have been endowed with the gifts of the Great Creator and Source of All… never underestimate the power of your thoughts and consciousness… remember always that you came here to help during this time from dark to light. Raise your thoughts up in harmony, cohesion, and love to witness as this tidal wave of transformation completely and rapidly changes the entire vibrational structure of your beautiful Earth.
Rejoice as your awareness and consciousness is tuned into this beautiful energy…know that your consciousness contributes to the benevolent unity of All that Is. The higher frequency energy continues to raise your vibration and consciousness to a level that serves the simultaneous “future” of Earth (which already exists simultaneously in the Great Now), as well as the highest good of All That Is.
You are part of an epic transformation in one of the greatest changes your realm will ever experience. These days will go down in the true history books, shown in the Akashic Records, as days of monumental and epic transformation and transmutation. All benevolent higher dimensional beings are watching with great joy as the light continues to spread in your realm.
Those of higher awareness, such as you reading this, will be a part of this… you are a part of this. Envision your world as you wish it to be… use your thoughts to manifest this benevolent and higher dimensional creation.
Never doubt that you are part of Source Creator, and that you are endowed with the great powers of All That Is… you have the power to assist in this conclusion of this rapid transformation…you are the Light… you are the Change… you are the Creation…you are the Manifestation.
Believe in yourself, believe in the Earth, and send loving thoughts of support to those who are working in tandem with your group consciousness, with those who are working so diligently behind the scenes to bring about these epic benevolent changes and transformation of All That Is in the Earth realm, from dark to light.
Sending out unconditional love to All on this most auspicious moment,
We are,
The Council of Angels,
Archangel Michael
Archangel Raphael
Archangel Chamuel
Archangel Gabriel
and Archangel Zadkiel
Namaste, The Golden Light Channel 💫🌟