Creator; I would like to become as if I were a walking prayer.
Where everything I see becomes a prayer. Where everything
I cannot see becomes a prayer.
Where the mountains and the smell of pine becomes a prayer.
Where all the birds singing their songs becomes a prayer.
Where the flowers dance in the breeze, that which is also the
breath of our human existence becomes a prayer. Where the
sky turns into stars and is endlessly continuing on and on into
the mysterious.
That which urges me to seek deeper, into the mystery of life itself.
You are in them all Creator. You are the beginning and you are the
end which is endless.
You are in all that carries life.You are life itself and life is all connected.
May I never take these gifts for granted. May I give unto the world that
which I would like to receive.May I be, that walking prayer…
April Peerless