By DL Zeta,
In order to align ourselves with universal love, we need to see everything that has happened in our lives as blessings. This includes our most difficult challenges and our most painful lessons.
One way to become adept at transforming obstacles into blessings is to become a powerful force for unconditional love. Act in service to the underprivileged, and on behalf of sentient creatures and the environment. Acting from this place of love and service to those not as strong and empowered as yourself allows you to become a more powerful and loving force in the universe.
We offer 16 steps for making the most of this profound period of change and transformation.
One) Spend time in nature — connect with the peace and perfection of plants, trees, flowers and the night sky.
Two) Take daily sun baths for 10 to 15 minutes. Visualize the sun’s light filling the cells of your body.
Three) Spend time each day nurturing yourself. Begin a new health regimen, prepare healthy meals for yourself, receive spa treatments, massages, etc. Homeopathy, essential oils and flower essences can prove beneficial during this time.
Four) Clear up energy in your environment. Clear away any clutter and arrange spaces in inspiring and uplifting ways.
Five) Make time for creative play, focusing on the process rather than the product.
Six) Allow your imagination to lead you on journeys in consciousness. Your imagination is your doorway to higher consciousness.
Seven) Practice yoga, tai chi and other forms of movement that align mind, body and spirit.
Eight) Make a gratitude list, expressing appreciation for everything in your life. This includes any challenges or “tests” that may come before you at this time.
Nine) Donate and volunteer your time to charities that help animals, the environment and the underprivileged. Regularly giving to those in need keeps you aligned with your heart. We are all earth angels capable of answering the call to administer divine assistance.
Ten) Each time you encounter stress or negativity, align your thoughts and feelings with unconditional love. This allows you to stay positive, focused and grounded.
Eleven) Now more than ever it’s important to eat clean and healthy. On the priority list are root vegetables and dark, leafy vegetables.
Twelve) Pay attention to the guidance and messages you receive within each moment. Messages will arrive in dreams and meditation. Don’t overlook the value of your ‘waking dreams’ in daily life. Everything in your environment and everything that enters your awareness holds a symbol containing valuable information for your journey.
Thirteen) Notice any emotional triggers and open to their messages. People and situations will show up on many fronts to trigger any residual emotions you are holding.
Fourteen) Love and forgive yourself and others for any perceived imperfections. We hold soul contracts with numerous beings who have agreed to help us in our journey of self-awareness and vice versa.
Fifteen) Accept and embrace that you are a wise and powerful being capable to bestowing blessings on all you encounter.
Sixteen) Perceive and activate timelines where you are living your highest dreams and visions and living your life each moment as a powerful force for love in the universe. Your highest timelines are realized when you accept and believe that everything you are able to perceive is a potential that exists within your field of possibilities.
For more on timeline shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta… For more information, visit