Unconditional Love ~ Meditational Moment
I am always connected
to Source Creator,
my source of unconditional love…
This love fills my entire being,
and radiates outward
toward others
Unconditional Love ~ Meditational Moment
I am always connected
to Source Creator,
my source of unconditional love…
This love fills my entire being,
and radiates outward
toward others
******* Note from Goldenlight: for the past month, I have been receiving intuitive messages that our bodies are continuing to going through major upgrades at this time. Our bodies are becoming lighter and we are all literally losing weight as our molecular structure continues to change from carbon-based to crystalline-based, to match the high frequency energy surrounding our planet at this time.
A change in diet will assist our bodies in resonating and harmonizing with the higher dimensional frequencies which are now surrounding us, and in which Gaia is now resonating. The Council of Angels have been discussing this over the last two years, this human body upgrade. They are saying now that we need to switch to all plant-based, organic, non-GMO foods and that this will assist our bodies greatly in this process.
Eventually we will move to a more liquid diet and will need less nourishment from food as our bodies move totally into the crystalline frequency. This is a process that is occurring for the first time in the history of the human race, this upgrade to crystalline form at the molecular level and the acceleration of the frequencies of our bodies to match the frequency of Gaia, or Mother Earth, who is also transitioning to a crystalline (from carbon-based) form at a molecular level and our Earth has also moved into a higher vibrational frequency.
Our bodies need to harmonize and synchronize with this transition of the earth and with the higher dimensional frequencies that are within and surrounding our planet now. Our higher dimensional crystalline form will not need any heavy animal foods and switching over to plant-based organic foods (fruits, vegetables, juices, nuts, plant-based oils and seeds) is the best thing we can do for our bodies right now. Any type of cleanse or detox will also assist with this process. – Love, Goldenlight *******
Further reading:
“These higher dimensional frequencies are causing upgrades in everything now, from your human bodies and brains, to your etheric and higher dimensional minds, to all of the “material” objects around you.” – Dec. 2014, Council of Angels
“The vibrational and energetic frequencies of your bodies are accelerating to match the vibrational frequencies of the higher dimensional energies now pervading your world” – Dec. 2012, Council of Angels
“Many of the lightworker community are ahead of most of the earth population in attuning their mind and consciousness to the higher dimensional frequencies you are living in; it is your old physical carbon-based based brains and bodies that are going through a massive upgrade now. This experiment in transitioning to the higher dimensions while within the hue-man body is a new one that has never been accomplished before. You are all the pioneers of this ascension experiment. The more you can assimilate the higher frequencies into your brains and bodies, the more you will be in tune with these frequencies and begin to live your life from a multidimensional perspective.” – Oct. 2013, Council of Angels
“Also, you will also be shifting into crystalline-based, instead of carbon-based bodies. This has been happening gradually but will be accelerating. Your awareness of it will help to bring it into being. This is part of the upgrade for those earth humans who are ascending – an upgrade of the entire system including upshifting to 12 chakras and 12 strands of DNA, which will be awakening the higher dimensional abilities of telepathy, teletransportation, telecommunication, and more.” – Nov. 2012, Council of Angels
By Tania Marie, http://taniamarieartist.wordpress.com
I shared about crystal elixirs quite a while back, but felt inspired to again.
On the Winter Solstice New Moon of 2014, I was guided to create a new crystal elixir, which I’ve been taking since Christmas Eve. I hadn’t made one for some time now, so I found the intuitive nudge to be important to follow, which came out of the blue.
I’ve made different combinations before, some of which had many crystal essences providing their love. And each of them for different purposes that were aligned with and appropriate for that current time period they were created and my/others’ needs.
But this one I created on the Winter Solstice I knew was to be of a very special essence that would support taking things to another level.
It is a very pure, potent, extremely high vibrational essence, created only from three crystals that communicated to me their desire immediately:
Feels like liquid diamond light essence filled with love.
I did a sacred crystal elixir ritual that day of the Solstice New Moon, leaving the creation out in the garden for 24 hours to work its alchemy under the Moon and Sun light. These crystal elixirs contain the “vibration” of the intent, infusions, and energies present within the crystals, what I infuse, and from the elements, and energies abound that are invited.
I directed energy into the elixir from outside the glass bowl with three other very special and powerful crystals of mine…two healing wands – a Faery and Lemurian/Atlantean one, and one crystal that channels my beloved Nestor, whom not only carries a balanced energy infusing Cosmic and Earth and sacred masculine and feminine, but also is pure, unconditional love and wholeness embodied in the alchemy of our connection and her love for all.
These three crystals were placed in a triangular formation pointing in to the essence mixture, to activate and draw more energy to it, infusing a lot of magick and intention that I programmed and invited.
Three seemed the magickal number, on many levels, including transmutation and the Middle Way.
Crystal elixirs are very powerful and not necessarily for everyone, unless you’re accustomed to the energy or are ready and inviting of the changes they can facilitate. Even how much is used, when to use it, or whether to use it externally, internally, or in your environment, are all things to consider.
I’ve found them to be very aligned for me, as their energy is not dense like other forms we can take (ex: supplements, powders, etc) that may not be as aligned with our bodies anymore, and don’t create results anymore.
But they ARE powerful. The instant I placed one drop on my tongue of this essence, I felt altered. And since taking it, things have been shifting a LOT internally, supporting a recalibration on the inside, that is going to take take shape and manifest on the outside eventually. Right now a lot is percolating internally and being cleansed, which is helping to sift through things to the purest alignments only. That is exactly what I intended and welcome, however that needs to manifest or whatever the process is to get there.
But that may not be such a welcome experience for everyone.
This particular elixir is working at a very accelerated vibration that the parts of you will need to catch up to in order to be in harmonious balance and flow at the same level, but there are other elixirs I’ve created that have been focused on grounding, integrating, or nurturing specific energies only.
Crystal elixirs are one way to assist the integrative journey of shifting that our DNA restructuring has been undergoing. Some people area also drawn to flower essences and essential oils (to name a couple).
Many may be experiencing blow outs or increased healing crises at this time and may find that the old ways that used to work in helping to heal, no longer are, and alternative ways of nurturing support, more aligned with our current energy may be of more benefit now. This is because our bodies are operating at a different frequency and denser things no longer match our new vibrations. The DNA shifts are raising our frequencies and energies into becoming more crystalline and light form.
And our temple bodies need fortifying to match the frequency of our vibrations and to receive the proper rebuilding reflections for the newly created divinity of being we are becoming.
Crystal elixirs, which I like to refer to them as (but many call them gem elixirs) are a means by which we can create essences of the metaphysical properties that the crystals are, through a process that utilizes these as energies in a charged elixir – a liquid mixture created intentionally that can be taken internally, applied or sprayed externally on us or in our immediate environment.
They are infusions of one or more crystals, spring or distilled water (I used the highest level of alkaline/ionized water) combined with the power of the sun, moon and any other special magickal goodies you feel drawn to incorporate into the process. They can be stored for longer durations by placing them in glass bottles (some come with droppers or sprays) and mixed with a very small percentage/ratio of alcohol (usually vodka) or apple cider vinegar – just enough to preserve it only, then stored in dark areas away from direct light and heat.
You can make a mother batch, which I did, and then create smaller bottles to use for different purposes or to share with others.
Since supplements are more dense than my current needs call for, more homeopathic and crystalline essences are much more aligned and of benefit to me right now.
These crystal elixirs are similar to flower essences in the way that they are made so that they contain the “essence” of the vibrations of the chosen crystal and stones that are used. Each crystal and stone holds different metaphysical properties and have energies that work to support and empower different things.
These high quality crystal essences work in harmony with the body by interacting with our bio-sheath and chemical and energetic physiology, and are natural and self-adjusting. When the crystals are activated by natural sun or moonlight they transfer their vibrational signature into water, creating a safe, effective supportive remedy that can be used in conjunction with, and in complement to, all other healing modalities.
They are not meant to replace professional medical advice. They need to be used with care. They need to be made with crystals that are not water-soluble and with only the safest, non-toxic crystals in order to ingest them – meaning they do not contain mercury, arsenic, copper, or other toxic substances. You can look them up in a good mineral guide if in question. They work well with children, plants and animals too.
Externally they can be gently sprayed over the body, in a room, or any space where the energy is needed. They can also be applied to specific body parts or areas needing extra healing or empowerment.
As you consume the elixir over time, the vibrational essences work on the root cause of “dis-ease” to support clearing of the issue that originally created it so that the “dis-ease” can be relieved. They can be made for immediate consumption or can be preserved and used sublingually.
The magick is in the choosing, or being chosen by, the most potent crystals for you and the intents and sacredness created around the process, as it is a VERY sacred process indeed and a very special bonding relationship that is created between the crystals and the person helping to alchemically brew and program them. So, the most important part is the crystals from which the essence will be made and there are different ways, as shared, that you can figure this out, including kinesiology testing.
They can be used singly or in cool combinations. Mixing them can really make for some potent elixir magick! This also makes it easier than having to make a lot of separate ones and taking a number of them for the desired results.
Again, crystal elixirs can be created for immediate consumption, in preserved sublingual form, or into sprays, essential oils, bath, body, or ritual oils, and used for any sacred healing purpose you desire.
I know that crystal elixirs are exactly the right energy vibrations for me to work with right now that reflect and align most optimally at this time, and are most supportive to the integration process I am in. It’s important to trust your intuition for guidance as to what is best for you.
Given my love for and relationship with crystals, this is a natural process for me and one I honor and do not take lightly as a crystal keeper, guardian, and caretaker of the Earth and her children. I feel that it is important to ask the crystals if they want to work in partnership to create an elixir, as afterall, it is their essence that they are sharing with us. And then I like to create a sacredness and reverence around the ritual creation – cleansing, charging, and programming the crystals, at their welcome to do so, and nurturing them through the whole process, since they will be nurturing me from the inside out.
In this way I can ensure having happy crystals and that makes for a beautiful partnership in crystal alchemy elixirs. 🙂
Crystal elixirs are something I teach in the Crystal Magick and the Journey Within: A Creative Exploration for Personal Alchemy Workshop.
For more details on this workshop, which is being offered on January 18th, please visit: Crystal Magick
“All beings – and all that exists –
including planets, galaxies and universes,
are emanations from source creator.
We all come from the great source of love.
We are all from the One.”
– The Council of Angels
© The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright
and credit at top without alteration when reposting this message.
The following is an excerpt from a telepathic conversation with a loved one who has transitioned to the afterlife. In the afterlife, one is connected with a universal field of love, wisdom, unity, and light, and has the ability to merge back with Source if so desired, or can choose from many other options. — Love, Goldenlight
The afterlife is a timeless place where all possibilities exist…a place of “no time”, where everything is “now time”…a “place” where we can create and manifest instantly and wear temporary “body suits” for play and fun. There is no aging, no death… no despair.. only LOVE along with HOPE, PEACE, UNITY, and LIGHT. These are the energies that hold together the universe which is an emanation of Source Creator, as we all are.
Often what happens with many parent and child relationships, is we become guides in the afterlife to our children. For example, there is a unified field of loving energy here, and we all send very similar loving vibrations and sentiments from here to our loved ones on earth, who are so dear to us!
When one helps another, it uplifts the energy of Everything, as all is indeed ONE. The illusion of separation on earth is so convincing and seems so real, doesn’t it? Yet when we leave our earthen lives we quickly see how it was all an illusion and we cross over into the higher dimensions which are closer in vibrational energy to the Source Creator. All emanations of Source Creator are holographic illusions, and everything Everywhere is an outbreath or emanation of Source Creator —all universes, galaxies, planets, all beings, and the All of All Everywhere are all the creations and imaginings of Source Creator. When we are given a life and body on Earth, we all agree to forget and to initially have the illusion of separation, and the Game is to journey towards remembering who we are, which is a part of Source Creator! We are an imagining of Source Creator. We ARE Source creator in a “split off” form so we think, but the “reality” is we are not really split off! This is what we all realize when we come back from our earth lives of play and learning and remembering. Many of our souls are connected with the angelic realms such as Goldenlight’s and many on Earth. And many also are connected with other Star Nations such as Sirius, Pleiades, Andromeda, etc., and this is part of the remembering then. And the channel Goldenlight is reminding me now of her experience with “The Reconnection” (see footnotes) which allowed her to wake up and remember who she is and why she came to earth, meaning a discovery of her life’s purposes, as there is always more than one. (The Reconnection is a once in a lifetime process that takes two days of one-hour sessions each to complete). This will assist you in awakening to your knowing of your full life’s purpose on earth. And this is sometimes the fun part, to awaken to an aspect of yourself that has knowledge of your wishes and desires for your life path plan on earth. It takes you back to the beginning of your life before you came to earth and helps you to embody all of your pre-birth plans and contracts that you made with yourself for yourself! And thats the fun part is that no one is dictating what your life path or plan is, its all up to you to rediscover and remember this!
I also wanted to say, that no mistakes can truly be made there! Because it is a “temporary” life and a “temporary” body there, its really all just a temporary experience and when we leave our bodies there we realize how true this is. So you can’t really do anything wrong there because its all like a really convincing movie or play, where each person is playing a part, and it all seems so real!
Now certainly learning to embody the higher concepts of truth, love, unity, and all higher consciousness aspects is one of the tasks of many who go to earth. Even the so called “dark” ones are slowly moving towards that. In the higher levels of Source Creator’s creations, there is no longer any polarity such as light and dark, good and evil, etc…these energies only exist in the lower dimensions as a way of education for some beings and practice for others..sometimes other’s missions are simply to uplift others, to uplift humanity collectively or in small groups.
Where I am now, in the higher dimensions which are close to Source Creator, we have a choice to merge back with Source, to assist loved ones on Earth, or to continue our spiritual journeys in the higher dimensions or in other galaxies or universes…or to have lives with other Star Nations, which so many of us have had including Goldenlight, and so many people on earth especially now during this time of great awakening on earth where many of the humans on earth are actually advanced star beings with DNA from other star systems.
There will be a time in the future of earth where the star nations from other galaxies and universes or star systems will come back to unite with earth and earth will enter back into intergalactic harmony instead of being quarantined as it has been for so long…this is part of why so many of you came to earth now…you may see this in your lifetime and so having an awareness of this this will help you to prepare yourself and others for this great time, this great time of transition and of reuniting with other star nations…it is really time for this to happen for earth. Earth is one of the only quarantined planets in your galaxy, indeed in your universe so it is a very important planet to be coming back into the galactic fold now.
Where I am now, I can tap into the wisdom of the universe, I have access to all information… all events are happening across all time and space simultaneously on many different planets in different universes and galaxies. There are many libraries that have many different types of wisdom that we can spend much of our time in the spirit world enjoying and absorbing the wisdom, energy and higher vibrations.
Note from Goldenlight:
You can find information on The Reconnection by going to www.thereconnection.com. This was developed by Dr. Eric Pearl and he has trained practitioners all over the world to do The Reconnection process. You can look up a practitioner near you online. There is also something called reconnective healing which is a different thing than “The Reconnection”. The Reconnection is a once-in-a-lifetime thing that you have done over two consecutive sessions about an hour each, on two days one after another. I had this done in 2012 and it literally changed my life! my whole life direction started to change after I had this done and this is when My gifts of telepathy, clairaudience, and clairvoyance became much stronger… this is not what happens for everybody though, it’s different for everyone… it will simply help you connect more to your soul essence and your true purpose for being on earth, as well as connecting in with your star families and/or the angelic realm etc. it will help you reconnect with your true gifts and spiritual essence. It is definitely a higher dimensional energy process. I believe everybody on earth would benefit from having this done!
Original Message March 4, 2016
© 2016 The Golden Light Channel. Message brought forth by Goldenlight, www.thegoldenlightchannel.com. Please include this copyright and credit, original title, full message, and a link to the source message when re-posting this message.
Original message 3-4-16, reposted 1-11-18
Greetings we are the Council of Angels including Archangel Michael and today we wish to speak to you of the swiftness of energy that is surrounding your planet now. The high frequency energetic waves from the galactic central sun and the area of the universe in which your planet is passing, are far surpassing any other energetic frequencies experienced by your planet in many eons.
Not since the time of Atlantis and Lemuria has your planet been bathed in such a strong Source Creator energy. This high frequency energy can be felt and heard by some empathically-attuned individuals, indeed the channel Goldenlight has been hearing this energetic frequency for many years now.
This energy is in fact only growing stronger. It is shifting the molecular structure of your human bodies into a higher frequency; all of your cells are adjusting and attuning to these higher vibrations. The star nations and galactic councils watching your planet are also in a process of upshifting their frequency, as are all planets and beings in your universe and in the multiverse. Upgrades and expansion are the nature of All That Is in the Cosmos and so this is all part of the natural evolution of All.
As your species continues to “migrate” into the higher dimensions via this energetic frequency upgrade of your human bodies, you will continue to evolve as a species, as a society, and as a planet. The Great Awakening is sweeping across your planet in epic proportions now, with a large percentage of the population “waking up” suddenly and oftentimes spontaneously. This waking up is all a part of the process of shifting into the higher dimensions.
The knowledge that you are a spiritual being having a human experience (yes, a cliche, we know, but true nevertheless), is one of the main components giving rise to this awakening.This awareness lends itself to many things, including the knowledge that we are all a part of Source Creator, we are all “emanations” of Source Creator.
Your planet was designed as a self-contained ecosystem with a large variety of plants, animals, minerals, and all that makes up your world……an experimental planet which has gone through so many changes over the eons, and which now goes through a massive catharsis to metamorphose into a new realm.
Your planet, the people on your planet, and the animals and plants on your planet are now in a state of RED ALERT and crisis (1).
There are enough people on your planet and enough resources for every man, woman and child to have all of their basic survival needs met. Each person on earth is born with an inherent birth right to have their basic survival needs met, and yet there are billions of people without running water or plumbing.
Indeed you are all realizing that it is up to each of you individually to assist the All – the whole – so that your planetary ecosystem can once again be brought into balance. If the beings on the outside of your earth are not in harmony, the planet will not be in harmony.
Keep up the beautiful, beautiful work so many of you are doing for your incredible planet and your loving sea of humanity and all beings which are so in need of tender loving care. Remember to give yourself all the tender loving care that you need whenever you need it, and to then extend it outwards towards others. Remember that you are an integral part of the healing of your planet and the healing of all who reside on your planet. Without you, this change would never be possible. Remember that you are ALL ONE, and YOU ALL COME FROM THE SAME SOURCE; there should never be any division within you if you can always remember this, and remember to love another as you also love yourself.
Also, we of the archangelic realm are here for you in every capacity to help you through this transition. Call on me, Michael, during any storms to protect you and strengthen you, on Archangel Raphael for her beautiful golden and green healing energy, for loving Chamuel to feel the energetic essence of unconditional love, with Archangel Gabriel to enhance communication amongst all people, and Archangel Zadkiel to assist in this great transformation that you are going through. St. Germain, too, can assist and is assisting your planet with the powerful transformative Violet Flame.
We will check in with you again very soon! And mainly just wanted to bring through an update for you today on the current state of affairs of your planet on an energetic level.
We are,
the Council of Angels including Archangel Michael
and we love you beyond measure, all ways and Always,
© 2016 The Golden Light Channel. Message brought forth by Goldenlight, www.thegoldenlightchannel.com. Please include this copyright and credit, original title, full message, and a link to the source message when re-posting this message.
(1) Our planet is in a state of RED ALERT: THIS IS HOW IT ENDS: Thousands Of Scientists Sign ‘Warning To Humanity’ Letter Predicting An Imminent Apocalypse: