Pleiadian Council through Goldenlight ~ Planetary and Galactic News Update, 12-12-17
By Goldenlight,
Message ©The Golden Light Channel, Please include this copyright and credit at top without alteration when re-posting this message
Greetings, we are The Pleiadian Council and we wish to bring you planetary news of an energetic nature which will assist you in expanding your awareness and increasing your frequency in tandem with the planetary energetics and frequency levels which are raising very quickly now.
As we mentioned in previous messages, your planet which has been under quarantine for many eons is soon to come back into the galactic fold so to speak, as it is liberated from centuries of domination by the denser forces of the universe. We of the Pleiadian Council are working hard behind the scenes to help bring this about.
Things are being cleaned up energetically now by what we call “the light scrubbers”… we are a team that assists in scrubbing clean the dense pockets of energy in the universe, pockets which have choked and suffocated planets and their inhabitants, cutting off their vital life force. This scrubbing and cleaning of the lecherous forces of dense energy from your planet is also being assisted by other star nations such as the Andromedans, Lyrans and benevolent Orions (1), as well as other higher dimensional beings, ascended masters and archangels. Benevolent inner earth factions are also coordinating this effort with us. Indeed, Source Creator itself, of which all beings everywhere are offspring, wishes this great cleansing, awakening, and ascension of your planet to be so, as the entire universe is going through an upgrade, and your planet is an integral part of this.
The best way that those of the light can now assist is to uphold the breaking through of the truth that is coming to light, to continue to work on one’s own spiritual growth and the raising of one’s frequency. If each person on earth focused on raising their vibration and frequency —and this is being accelerated by the higher dimensional frequencies flooding your planet — then the raising of the light quotient on your planet thus increases in tandem and exponentially. So each person’s raising of their consciousness and frequency thus helps the entire planet to become one of higher frequency, and one in which the denser energies cannot survive. Hold this vision within your minds eye as you focus on this raising of frequency for all on your planet. Mother Earth Gaia is already carrying this higher dimensional vibration, and your planet is already surrounded now by higher frequency energy, so your task is to attune yourself to it. Can you hear the higher dimensional frequency that now surrounds you? It is a high pitched tone which is recalibrating your human bodies to attune to the higher frequencies. So this is happening on a physical level somewhat automatically, and as you also adjust your mind and spirit (consciousness) to it, you are then attuning your whole being to these higher frequencies.
Your planet is going through a major shift as we have described in previous messages and you have chosen to be there now to be a part of this great shift in consciousness and light level quotient that is a planet-wide happening.
We will keep this message brief today but will be back again soon through this channel of Goldenlight to bring you more higher frequency planetary news. In the meantime, we are continuing our clean-up of the denser energies behind the scenes. Your awareness of this assists us in doing so. Many of you, including the transcriber of this message Goldenlight, carry the Pleiadian genetics which were seeded on your planet before the time of Lemuria and Atlantis. So you are a part of this entire upshifting in the energetics of your planet. The star nations assisting with this are in essence your star families, as your genetics come from these higher dimensional civilizations. So you are all a part of the grand plan, and the raising of your awareness and consciousness of all that is happening helps you to be in alignment with the grand divine plan.
We thank you for your contribution and service to the light and to the well-being of your planet.
May the light from the All That Is, shine within you and shine forth from you now and always.
We are,
The Pleiadian Council transcribing through Goldenlight, 12-12-17
Further reading:
(1) Starseeds and Galactic Civilizations,
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