By Suzanne Lie, Ph.D.
We choose to NOW take a week-long break from our in-depth healing and transmutation process of Unconditional Love, so that you can integrate your experience into your daily life and sense of self. Your “sense of self” is how you perceive your own self. As Unconditional Love fills your body, chakra-by-chakra, you notice a shift in the way you think about your self.
Integrating Unconditional Love to Read, Hear and Download – The Arcturians and Suzanne Lie
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2016 is the Year of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE
Message from Suzanne and the Arcturians
Hello Dear Readers,
We choose to NOW take a week-long break from this in-depth healing and transmutation process of Unconditional Love, so that you can integrate your experience into your daily life and sense of self. Your “sense of self” is how you perceive your own self. As Unconditional Love fills your body, chakra-by-chakra, you notice a shift in the way you think about your self.
A challenge that we, the Galactics, face is that humanity has been brainwashed to believe that they need to get help, but are too inadequate to give help in return. Before you can “give help,” you may need to “take a break” from their healing process so that you integrate your New SELF into their daily life.
Just as too much food creates a stomach ache, too much integration of Unconditional Love can create a feeling of exhaustion. This exhaustion was ALREADY there, but you could not feel it until you unconditionally loved yourself enough to deeply tune into the earth vessel you are wearing to experience how you really feel.
Your 3D world has also trained you to ignore when you are tired, and to take a pill or some other substance to better ignore your body. Then you “bravely carry on with your work.” That behavior is the result of brainwashing from the myriad media tools of the Illuminati.
We Galactics KNOW when it is our NOW to go deeply inside our Multidimensional SELF to relax and gain a deeper perspective of the energy fields that we have been creating. It is then that we can more deeply observe how humanity is acclimated to these energy fields.
The Unconditional Love that you have integrated into your Heart Chakra will NOT tell you to “carry on” even if it harms your body. Your physical heart, your Heart Chakra, and your High Heart, which is between your Hearth Chakra and your Throat Chakra, represent the core of your healing.
Hence, these areas of your body are focused on healing and NOT on working. Remember that your Heart Chakra also rules your lungs. Your lungs work with your heart to bring in vital fresh oxygen which is integrated into the blood that your Heart circulates through our your body.
You have all been taking in a deep and lasting healing. With your focus on your Heart Chakra, heart and lungs, it is perfect NOW for you to take some R and R. Please keep your focus on your your Heart Chakra as you “relax and “integrate” what you have bravely accepted so far.
One might think that too much fear is dangerous, which of course it is. However, too much love, especially unconditional love, can uproot many hidden memories and brainwashing of how “You do not deserve…” How many times in your 3D life have you been given the message that you do not deserve some thing or some one?
In fact, how many times has your television and other commercials told you that you were not good enough unless you…bought their soap, took their medicine, lost that weight, or took their pills. We strongly suggest that you no longer allow these “commercials” into your awareness.
In fact, as your own inner Lightbody gradually awakens under the administrations of Unconditional Love for your self, you will find many “cures” and “solutions” insideyour own Higher Guidance.